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Eat while you work? Check for rice stuck under the up arrow. Tongue sticking out
My keyboard is so full of dirt that I could easily plant a whole forest in there.

I'd clean it out but I really suspect it's the dust that's holding the danged thing together.
As Catherine O'Hara said 30 years ago "A little gasoline. A blowtorch. No problem."
I started dreaming on a system that will replace your typical exp bound leveling system with an item based one, but the upgrade item got to be customizable depending on the character or piece of armor involved there. I know it is not original, but I still wish to develop it some day... though I do not wanna let people like Silly include it in any of their game projects! Tongue sticking out
I'm wondering what it looks like...

I just took a look at a friend's set of scripts just last night. No issue with the order of the scripts (though I do like to re-arrange them in a certain way). But Moggy... Moggy... Moggy... Moghunter's old Title Scene script had so much code that was unnecessary... like nearly half of it. Tongue sticking out Seriously... almost everything below update' I deleted.
*kyonides would ignore such a tiresome request from the very beginning.*

I finally posted a new script. Honestly, it was hard to accomplish, not because it was large or complex but it still was hard to finish it. The main reason would be... my hatred for household painting and cooking plus a significantly reduced scripting schedule. Duties, who needs them! Tongue sticking out
*DerVVulfman just seems to take on such requests.*

So here's a small selection of decorative buttons.  Didn't specify the style, so I went gold trimmed marble with old world RPGMaker 2003 messagebox lettering.


Another set with larger buttons.  They're what I use from our old MARBLE theme from 10 years ago (I shrank them down for the ones above), and used a custom chosen font.  Two graphics per button to differentiate ON/OFF settings.

[attachment=1033] & [attachment=1034]
[attachment=1035] & [attachment=1036]
[attachment=1037] & [attachment=1038]
For those that still have no idea why this thread was hijacked by button sprites, here you can find the actual reason behind such posts!

[Image: ksacrificexp01.png]

[Image: ksacrificexp02.png]

Something makes me think the buttons are a bit small Laughing + Tongue sticking out By the way I noticed I need a second cursor for the buttons Laughing + Tongue sticking out like a small fire animation!
Here you can check out some alternate buttons for KSacrifice...

[Image: ksacrificexp03.png]

Hey! What did you expect from a guy that crafts scripts for a hobby? Laughing + Tongue sticking out

It doesn't mean it's the final version anyway...