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Since I have updated the beta version of KyoDiscounts XP version 1.5.0, I will leave a copy here in case there are testers out there willing to help me debug it.

# * KyoDiscounts XP
#   Scripter : Kyonides-Arkanthos
#   v1.5.0 - 2019-01-12

#   Whenever you obtain a discount card, such discount will be applied to all
#   of your purchases if you have picked a card till it expires after a certain
#   number of steps. Additional steps will be quickly added to your current card
#   whenever you purchase any additional card of the same kind.

#   One coupon will be spent every single time you purchase any specific item,
#   you will need another one to purchase a different item later on.
#   The discount card or coupon price is used to calculate the corresponding
#   discount on every single purchase the player makes with it.

#   Place this script below KItemRefill XP or KyoScriptPack Item XP if you
#   included any of those scripts in your current game project.

#   Now you can also setup exclusive store discount cards as well. Just keep in
#   mind that you will need to setup the in game variable you picked so it will
#   be able to store the Exclusive Store Code (an Integer) before you can add
#   the shop event command. Common stores don't need any Store Code at all.

#   Besides the player can also place orders to get an item that is supposed to
#   be found at another store only. The player will be charged an extra fee, but
#   he or she won't need to go back to another store. The player would only need
#   to keep walking for a while before the goods are available at the store.
#   Now the required steps for each placed order will be automatically increased
#   between 0% and 50%, making it look a bit random but also kind of realistic.

# * Unknown Item or Weapon or Armor Appraisals *

#   Use the Game Variable defined in the STORECODEVARID Constant to store the
#   Shop ID that will include the appraisal service.
#   Use the MYSTERIOUS series of Arrays to include as many IDs of unknown items
#   or weapons or armors that will serve as fillers till they get replaced by
#   the actual goods they represent.
#   Follow the Instructions included in the APPRAISALS Hash to define all
#   conditions that will affect an appraiser's task of identifying the item.

#   Script Calls   #

#   $game_party.discount_cards_expire
#      Makes all Discount Cards expire as part of the game's plot.

#   $game_party.disc_card_expire(Card_ID)
#      Makes an specific Discount Card expire as part of the game's plot.

#   KyoShopOrders << [Percent1, Percent2, etc.]
#      Defines a Commission percent for every Item in the Place Order List.

#   KyoShopOrders.steps = [Steps1, Steps2, etc.]
#   KyoShopOrders.steps += [Steps5, Steps6, etc.]
#      Defines Steps required by every Order in the Place Order List.
#      The 2nd call will be required only if you couldn't include all steps.

#   KyoShop.scarcity_lvl = 0 or higher
#     Define all prices and maximum number of units per shop item.
#     0 means no scarcity, 1 or higher reflects how severe it is.
#     You also have to configure the @scarce_limits hash in order to predefine
#     :price and :max per scarcity level. The maximum scarcity level depends on
#     how many values you entered in both :price and :max arrays.
#     In few words, you define the maximum scarcity level ever possible!

module KyoShop
  # Maximum number of units for each shop item
  # Button that will open the Discount window while on the shop menu
  # Add Discount Card Object IDs
  DISCOUNT_IDS = [33, 34]
  # Add Discount Coupon Object IDs
  COUPON_IDS = [36, 37]
  # Maximum Steps before Discount Card expires : ID => Steps
  STEPS = { 33 => 500, 34 => 300, 35 => 150 }
  # Exclusive Stores In Game Variable ID
  # Exclusive Stores List : Object ID => Exclusive Store Code
  EXCLUSIVESTORES = { 35 => 102 }
  # Switch ID : deactivates Store to add Goods found elsewhere
  # Store IDs for stores where you have invested some gold
  # Maximum Number of Shares & Share Price
  SHARESMAXMIN = [10000, 100]
  INVESTMENTS = {} # Store Investments - Do Not Edit This Line
  INVESTMENTS.default = {} # Do Not Edit This Line
  # Available Improvements #
  # :discount : [:discount, 25]
  # :goods    : [:goods, 'i10', 'w4', 'a6']
  # :orders   : [:orders, 'i11', 'w5', 'a7']
  # [Store ID] = { Shares => Prize, Shares => Another Prize, etc. }
  INVESTMENTS[101] = { 50 => [:goods,'i10','w5','a6'], 100 => [:discount,10] }
  APPRAISALS = {} # Do Not Edit This Line!
  # [Store ID] = { price => $, success rate => %, bad result => "item1",
  #                goods => [item4, weapon2, armor3, etc.] }
  APPRAISALS[101] = { :price => 100, :rate => 10, :default => 'i1',
                      :goods => ['i2','i3','i9','i10'] }
  # Add Item IDs for unknown shop goods that need to be appraised by experts
  # Add Weapon IDs for unknown shop goods that need to be appraised by experts
  # Add Armor IDs for unknown shop goods that need to be appraised by experts
  @scarce_limits = {
    :price  => [0, 25, 50, 100, 250, 350, 500, 650, 800],
        NUMBERMAX - 50, NUMBERMAX - 65, NUMBERMAX - 80, NUMBERMAX - 90, 1]
    #:item => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
    #:weapon => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
    #:armor => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],
  @scarce_lvl = 0 # Initial Level
  def self.current_item_max() @scarce_limits[:max][@scarce_lvl] end
  def self.current_price_max() @scarce_limits[:price][@scarce_lvl] end
  def self.scarcity_limits() @scarce_limits end
  def self.scarcity_lvl() @scarce_lvl end
  def self.scarcity_lvl=(lvl) @scarce_lvl = lvl end

module KyoShopLabels
  BASIC = ["Buy", "Sell", "Exit"]
  MOREOPTIONS = "Options"
  # Buy Stuff & Place Order & Pick Up Items Label
  BUYPLACEPICKUP = ['Buy Items', 'Place Order', 'Pick Up Items',
                    'Appraise', 'Invest']
  # Subtotal, Commission Percent and Total Amount
  PRICELABELS = ['Subtotal', 'Commission %', 'Total']
  # Place an Order Label
  PLACEORDER = 'Do you wish to place an order?'
  # Pick Up Order Label
  PICKUPORDER = 'Do you want to pick up an order?'
  # No Order Found Label
  NOORDERFOUND = 'There is nothing left, boss!'
  # Available Discounts Label
  SOMEDISCOUNTS = 'Press A to get a discount'
  # No Discount Available Label
  NODISCOUNTS = 'No Discount Available'
  # Select a Discount Card or Coupon Label
  SELECTDISCOUNT = 'Choose a Card or Coupon'
  # Apply Discount Label
  APPLYDISCOUNT = "Discount Applied %s%"
  # Warning about Extra Fees for Placing Orders
  FEESAPPLY = 'Extra Fees Apply'
  # Discount Card's Steps Left Label
  STEPSLEFT = " %s steps left."
  # Investment Label...
  INVESTMENT = 'Want to invest in this store?'
  # Share Number Label
  SHARES = 'Share Number'
  # Adquired or Purchased Shares Label
  TOTALSHARES = 'Total Shares'
  # Pick Item to be Appraised Label
module KyoShopOrders
  @commissions = []
  @steps = []
  class << self
    attr_accessor :store_event_id, :goods_id
    attr_reader :steps, :commissions
    def steps=(val) @steps = {|n| n + rand((n / 2) + 2) } end
    def <<(val)
      @commissions += val
      @commissions = @commissions.flatten

module WindowModule
  def appear = true
    self.visible = true

  def disappear = false
    self.visible = false

class Game_System
  attr_accessor :shop_goods
  attr_reader :placed_orders, :shop_shares
  alias kyon_discounts_gm_sys_init initialize
  def initialize
    @shop_goods = []
    @placed_orders = {}
    @placed_orders.default = []
    @shop_shares = {}
    @shop_shares.default = 0

  def disc_store?(disc_id) !KyoShop::EXCLUSIVESTORES[disc_id] end

  def excl_disc_store?(disc_id)
    exclusive = KyoShop::EXCLUSIVESTORES[disc_id]
    exclusive == $game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID]

  def check_shares(shop_id)
    results = []
    shares = @shop_shares[shop_id]
    investments = KyoShop::INVESTMENTS[shop_id]
    limits = KyoShop::INVESTMENTS[shop_id].keys.sort
    results ={|limit| shares >= limit[0] }.map {|r| r[1] }

class Game_Party
  attr_reader :discounts
  alias kyon_discounts_gm_party_init initialize
  alias kyon_discounts_gm_party_gain_item gain_item
  def initialize
    @discounts = {}

  def gain_item(item_id, n)
    kyon_discounts_gm_party_gain_item(item_id, n)
    return if item_id == 0 or n == 0
    return unless KyoShop::DISCOUNT_IDS.include?(item_id)
    if @discounts[item_id]
      @discounts[item_id] += KyoShop::STEPS[item_id]
      @items[item_id] = 1
      @discounts[item_id] = KyoShop::STEPS[item_id]

  def check_discounts
    unless @discounts.empty?
      for did in KyoShop::DISCOUNT_IDS
        next unless @discounts[did] and @discounts[did] > 0
        return true if $game_system.disc_store?(did)
        return true if $game_system.excl_disc_store?(did)
    for cid in KyoShop::COUPON_IDS
      next unless item_number(cid) > 0
      return true if $game_system.disc_store?(cid)
      return true if $game_system.excl_disc_store?(cid)
    return false

  def decrease_discounts
    KyoShop::DISCOUNT_IDS.each {|n| next unless @discounts[n]
      @discounts[n] -= 1 if @discounts[n] > 0 }

  def discount_cards_expire
    KyoShop::DISCOUNT_IDS.each {|n| @discounts[n] = 0 if @discounts[n] }

  def disc_card_expire(dc_id) @discounts[dc_id] = 0 end

class Game_Player
  alias kyon_discounts_coupons_gm_player_increase_steps increase_steps
  def increase_steps

class Window_Selectable
  include WindowModule

class Window_Help
  def set_text(item_id, text=nil, align=0)
    if item_id.is_a?(String)
      if KyoShop::DISCOUNT_IDS.include?(KyoShopOrders.goods_id)
        steps = $game_party.discounts[KyoShopOrders.goods_id].to_s
        text = item_id + sprintf(KyoShopLabels::STEPSLEFT, steps)
        KyoShopOrders.goods_id = item_id = nil
    if text.is_a?(String)
      text = text.gsub(/\\[Uu]/){$game_system.refill_items[item_id].sips.to_s}
    elsif text.is_a?(Integer)
      align = text
      text = item_id
      text = item_id
    if text != @text or align != @align
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, self.width - 40, 32, text, align)
      @text = text
      @align = align
      @actor = nil
    self.visible = true

class Window_Item
  alias kyon_discounts_win_item_up_help update_help
  def update_help
    KyoShopOrders.goods_id =

class AppraiseItemWindow < Window_Selectable
  include WindowModule
  def initialize
    super(0, 64, 480, 416)
    @column_max = 1
    self.index = 0

  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    for n in KyoShop::MYSTERIOUSITEMS
      next if $game_party.item_number(n) == 0
      @data << $data_items[n]
    for i in KyoShop::MYSTERIOUSWEAPONS
      next if $game_party.weapon_number(i) == 0
      @data << $data_weapons[i]
    for i in KyoShop::MYSTERIOUSARMORS
      next if $game_party.armor_number(i) == 0
      @data << $data_armors[i]
    @item_max = @data.size
    return if @item_max == 0
    self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
    @item_max.times{|i| draw_item(i) }

  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    number = case item
    when RPG::Item then $game_party.item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor then $game_party.armor_number(
    c = self.contents
    x = 4 + index % 2 * (288 + 32)
    y = index / 2 * 32
    rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
    c.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bit = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    c.blt(x, y + 4, bit,, 0, 24, 24), 255)
    c.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32,, 0)
    c.draw_text(x + 240, y, 16, 32, ":", 1)
    c.draw_text(x + 256, y, 24, 32, number.to_s, 2)
  def item() @data[@index] end

class AppraiseInfoWindow < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 384, 640, 96)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)

  def refresh(new_item)
    contents.draw_text(0, 0, width - 32, 24,

class Window_ShopCommand
  def initialize
    super(0, 64, 480, 64)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @item_max = 3
    @column_max = 3
    @commands = KyoShopLabels::BASIC.dup
    if KyoShop::APPRAISALS[$game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID]]
      @commands[0] = KyoShopLabels::MOREOPTIONS.dup
    self.index = 0

class Window_ShopBuy
  attr_accessor :discount
  def initialize(shop_goods)
    super(0, 128, 368, 288)
    @shop_goods = shop_goods
    @discount = 0
    self.index = 0

  def deliver(goods)
    @shop_goods = goods
    if goods.size - 1 < @index
      @index = goods.size > 0 ? (@index + goods.size - 1) % goods.size : 0
    self.index = 0

  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    number = case item
    when RPG::Item then $game_party.item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor then $game_party.armor_number(
    enough = (item.price <= $ and number < 99)
    self.contents.font.color = enough ? normal_color : disabled_color
    y = index * 32
    rect =, y, self.width - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    opacity = enough ? 255 : 128
    self.contents.blt(4, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
    self.contents.draw_text(32, y, 212, 32,, 0)
    price = item.price - item.price * @discount / 100
    self.contents.draw_text(244, y, 88, 32, price.to_s, 2)

class Window_ShopPickUp < Window_ShopBuy
  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    for good in @shop_goods
      new_item = case good[0]
      when 0 then $data_items[good[1]]
      when 1 then $data_weapons[good[1]]
      when 2 then $data_armors[good[1]]
      @data << new_item if new_item
    @item_max = @data.size
    return if @item_max == 0
    self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
    (0...@item_max).each {|i| draw_item(i) }

  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    qty, steps = @shop_goods[index][2..3]
    number = case item
    when RPG::Item then $game_party.item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor then $game_party.armor_number(
    enough = (number + qty < 100 and steps <= $game_party.steps)
    self.contents.font.color = enough ? normal_color : disabled_color
    y = index * 32
    rect =, y, self.width - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    opacity = enough ? 255 : 128
    self.contents.blt(4, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
    self.contents.draw_text(32, y, 212, 32,, 0)
    self.contents.draw_text(244, y, 88, 32, qty.to_s, 2)
  undef discount, discount=

class Window_ShopNumber
  include WindowModule
  def initialize
    super(0, 128, 368, 288)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @item = nil
    @max = 1
    @price = 0
    @number = 1
    @multiplier = 1

  def reset_multiplier
    @multiplier = 1
    @number = 1

  def set(item, max, price, percent=nil, multiplier=1)
    @item = item
    @max = max
    @price = price
    @number = 1
    @multiplier = multiplier
    @percent = percent

  def update
    return unless
    if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) and @number < @max # Cursor right (+1)
      @number += @multiplier
    if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) and @number > @multiplier # Cursor left (-1)
      @number -= @multiplier
    if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) and @number < @max # Cursor up (+10)
      @number = [@number + 10 * @multiplier, @max].min
    if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN) and @number > @multiplier # Cursor down (-10)
      @number = [@number - 10 * @multiplier, 1].max

  def refresh
    draw_item_name(@item, 4, 96)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    if @multiplier == 1
      cx1, cx2, cx3, cw1, cw2 = [272, 308, 304, 24, 32]
      cx1, cx2, cx3, cw1, cw2 = [260, 264, 272, 68, 64]
    self.contents.draw_text(cx1, 96, 32, 32, "")
    self.contents.draw_text(cx2, 96, cw1, 32, @number.to_s, 2)
    self.cursor_rect.set(cx3, 96, cw2, 32)
    gold = $
    cx = contents.text_size(gold).width
    subtotal_price = @item.price * @number
    total_price = @price * @number
    labels = KyoShopLabels::PRICELABELS
    if total_price > subtotal_price and @multiplier < 2
      self.contents.font.color = system_color
      self.contents.draw_text(120, 128, 100, 32, labels[0], 2)
      self.contents.draw_text(332-cx, 128, cx, 32, gold, 2)
      self.contents.draw_text(80, 160, 140, 32, labels[1], 2)
      self.contents.draw_text(328-cx, 160, cx + 4, 32, '%', 2)
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 128, 328-cx-2, 32, subtotal_price.to_s, 2)
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 160, 328-cx-2, 32, @percent.to_s, 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 192, 328-cx-2, 32, total_price.to_s, 2)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(120, 192, 100, 32, labels[2], 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(332-cx, 192, cx, 32, gold, 2)

class Window_ShopBuyOptions < Window_Selectable
  def initialize
    commands = KyoShopLabels::BUYPLACEPICKUP.dup
    varid = $game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID]
    commands.pop unless KyoShop::INVESTSTOREIDS.include?(varid)
    super(214, 148, 212, commands.size * 32 + 32)
    @commands = commands
    @item_max = @commands.size
    self.contents = - 32, @item_max * 32)
    self.index = 0

  def refresh
    @item_max.times {|i| @commands[i]
    contents.draw_text(4, i * 32, 172, 32, @commands[i]) }

class Window_ShopDiscountAlert < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super(0, 416, 368, 64)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)

  def set_text(text)
    self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, width - 32, height - 32, text)

class Window_ShopDiscountCoupon < Window_Selectable
  def initialize
    super(0, 128, 368, 288)
    self.index = 0

  def item() @data[@index] end

  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    dc_ids = $game_party.discounts.keys.sort
    dc_ids.each {|i| next if $game_party.discounts[i] == 0
      next if !$game_system.disc_store?(i) and !$game_system.excl_disc_store?(i)
      @data << $data_items[i] }
    KyoShop::COUPON_IDS.each {|i| next unless $game_party.item_number(i) > 0
      @data << $data_items[i] }
    @item_max = @data.size
    return if @item_max == 0
    self.index -= 1 if @index > @item_max - 1
    self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32)
    (0...@item_max).each {|i| draw_item(i) }

  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    number = $game_party.item_number(
    x = 4
    y = index * 32
    rect =, y, self.width - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), 255)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32,
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 244, 32, ': ' + number.to_s, 2)

  def update_help
    KyoShopOrders.goods_id =

class Window_ShopStatus
  alias kyon_discounts_win_shop_status_refresh refresh
  def refresh
    if @investment

  def investment=(bool)
    @investment = bool

  def refresh_investment
    shares = $game_system.shop_shares[$game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID]]
    contents.font.color = system_color
    contents.draw_text(0, 0, 240, 32, KyoShopLabels::TOTALSHARES)
    contents.font.color = normal_color
    contents.draw_text(0, 0, 240, 32, shares.to_s, 2)

class Interpreter
  alias kyon_discounts_inter_comm_302 command_302
  def command_302
    if $game_switches[KyoShop::GOODSSWITCHID]
      KyoShopOrders.store_event_id = @event_id
      $game_switches[KyoShop::GOODSSWITCHID] = false
      $game_system.shop_goods = [@parameters]
      loop do
        @index += 1
        if @list[@index].code == 605
          $game_system.shop_goods << @list[@index].parameters
          return false

class Scene_Shop
  alias kyon_discounts_scn_shop_up update
  def main
    while @keep_loop

  def start
    @keep_loop = true
    @stage = :main
    @shop_id = $game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID]
    @goods = $game_temp.shop_goods.dup
    @orders = $game_system.shop_goods.dup
    @discount_window =
    @discount_window.help_window = @help_window
    unless $game_system.shop_goods.empty?
      @order_window =$game_system.shop_goods)
      @order_window.help_window = @help_window
      @option_window =
      @option_window.z += 200
    if (@need_appraisal = KyoShop::APPRAISALS.keys.include?(@shop_id))
      @appraise_items_window =
      @appraise_items_window.visible = false
      @appraise_info_window =
      @appraise_info_window.visible = false
      @dummy_column =, 128, 160, 256)
      @dummy_column.visible = false
    @purchase_window =$game_temp.shop_goods)
    @purchase_window.help_window = @help_window
    @pack_id = [$game_map.map_id, KyoShopOrders.store_event_id]
    goods = $game_system.placed_orders[@pack_id]
    goods ||= []
    @pickup_window =
    @pickup_window.help_window = @help_window
    @sell_window =
    @sell_window.help_window = @help_window
    @number_window =
    @status_window =
    @status_window.visible = false

  def update_goods_orders_after_investment
    gds = []
    orders = []
    stuff = $game_system.check_shares(@shop_id)
    return if stuff.empty?
    stuff.each {|b| gds += strings_goods_conversion(b[1..-1]) if b[0] == :goods
      orders += string_good_conversion(b[1..-1]) if b[0] == :orders }
    $game_system.shop_goods = (@orders + orders).sort.uniq
    $game_temp.shop_goods = (@goods + gds).sort.uniq

  def strings_goods_conversion(strings)
    data = []
    for string in strings
      item = case string[0,1]
      when 'i' then [0, string[1..-1].to_i]
      when 'w' then [1, string[1..-1].to_i]
      when 'a' then [2, string[1..-1].to_i]
      data << item

  def make_basic_windows
    @help_window =
    @command_window =
    @gold_window =
    @gold_window.x = 480
    @gold_window.y = 64
    @dummy_window =, 128, 640, 352)
    @question_window =
    @question_window.visible = false

  def terminate
    $game_variables[KyoShop::STORECODEVARID] = 0
    if @need_appraisal
    return if $game_system.shop_goods.empty?
    KyoShopOrders.store_event_id = nil
    @stage = nil

  def update_discount_message
    cd = $game_party.check_discounts
    text = cd ? KyoShopLabels::SOMEDISCOUNTS : KyoShopLabels::NODISCOUNTS

  def update
    case @stage
    when :main then update_command
    when :option then update_option
    when :purchase then update_purchase
    when :place then update_place_order
    when :pickup then update_pickup_order
    when :discount then update_discount
    when :appraise then update_appraisal
    when :sell then update_sell
    when :number then update_number

  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene =
      return @keep_loop = nil
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0 # buy
        $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false
        if $game_system.shop_goods.empty?
          @discount = 0
          @dummy_window.visible = false
          @question_window.visible = true
          @status_window.visible = true
          return @stage = :purchase
          return @stage = :option
      when 1 # sell
        $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false
        @dummy_window.visible = false
      when 2 # quit
        $scene =
        @keep_loop = nil

  def update_option
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @status_window.visible = false = true
      @dummy_window.visible = true
      return @stage = :main
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      shares = $game_system.shop_shares[@shop_id]
      inv_max, inv_price = KyoShop::SHARESMAXMIN
      pos = @option_window.index
      if pos == 3 and !@need_appraisal
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      if pos == 4 and inv_max == shares
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      @dummy_window.visible = false
      @question_window.visible = true
      @status_window.visible = true
      case pos
      when 0 # buy
        @discount = 0 = 0
        disc = $game_system.check_shares(@shop_id)
        disc.each {|b| += b[1] if b[0] == :discount }
        @status_window.item = @purchase_window.item
        return @stage = :purchase
      when 1 # place order
        @status_window.item = @order_window.item
        return @stage = :place
      when 2 # pick up stuff
        @status_window.item = @pickup_window.item
        return @stage = :pickup
      when 3 # appraisal
        @appraise_info_window.visible = true
        @dummy_column.visible = true
        @dummy_window.visible = false
        @command_window.visible = false
        @number_window.visible = false
        @status_window.visible = false
        return @stage = :appraise
      when 4 # investments
        @status_window.investment = @investment = true
        inv_max = [inv_max - shares, $ / inv_price].min
        fake_item = = KyoShopLabels::SHARES
        @price = inv_price
        @number_window.set(fake_item, inv_max, inv_price, nil, 10)
        @stage = :invest

  def update_purchase
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      if $game_system.shop_goods.empty? = true
        @stage = :main
        @stage = :option
      @discount = 0 = 0
      @dummy_window.visible = true
      @question_window.visible = false
      @status_window.visible = false
      @status_window.item = nil
    if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) or Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
      @status_window.item = @purchase_window.item
    if Input.trigger?(KyoShop::DISCOUNTBUTTON)
      unless $game_party.check_discounts
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      return @stage = :discount
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      discount =
      percent = KyoShop.current_price_max
      @item = @purchase_window.item
      @price = @item.price + @item.price * percent / 100
      @price -= @item.price * discount / 100 if discount > 0
      if @item == nil or @price > $
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      shop_max = KyoShop.current_item_max
      if (number = check_number) == shop_max
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      max = @price == 0 ? shop_max : $ / @price
      max = [max, shop_max - number].min
      @number_window.set(@item, max, @price)
      @last_stage = @stage
      @stage = :number

  def update_place_order
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @dummy_window.visible = true
      @question_window.visible = false
      @status_window.visible = false
      @status_window.item = nil
      return @stage = :option
    if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) or Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
      @status_window.item = @order_window.item
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @item = @order_window.item
      @price = @item.price
      percent = KyoShopOrders.commissions[@order_window.index]
      percent += KyoShop.current_price_max
      @price += percent * @item.price / 100 if percent > 0
      if @item == nil or @price > $
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      number = check_number
      shop_max = KyoShop.current_item_max
      if number == shop_max
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      max = @price == 0 ? shop_max : $ / @price
      max = [max, shop_max - number].min
      @place_order = true
      @number_window.set(@item, max, @price, percent)
      @last_stage = @stage
      @stage = :number

  def update_pickup_order
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @dummy_window.visible = true
      @question_window.visible = false
      @status_window.visible = false
      return @stage = :option
    if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) or Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN)
      @status_window.item = @pickup_window.item
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      current_item = @pickup_window.item
      goods = $game_system.placed_orders[@pack_id]
      unless goods
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      goods = goods[@pickup_window.index]
      unless current_item and goods[3] <= $game_party.steps
        return $game_system.se_play($data_system.buzzer_se)
      number = goods[2]
      case current_item
      when RPG::Item then $game_party.gain_item(, number)
      when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.gain_weapon(, number)
      when RPG::Armor then $game_party.gain_armor(, number)

  def update_discount
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      return @stage = :purchase
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @coupons_allowed = KyoShop::COUPON_IDS.include?( -= @discount
      @discount = @discount_window.item.price
      discount = += @discount
      text = sprintf(KyoShopLabels::APPLYDISCOUNT, discount)
      @stage = :purchase

  def update_appraisal
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      @appraise_info_window.visible = false
      @dummy_column.visible = false
      @dummy_window.visible = true
      @command_window.visible = true
      @number_window.visible = true
      @status_window.visible = true
      return @stage = :option
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)

  def check_number
    return number = case @item
    when RPG::Item then $game_party.item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor then $game_party.armor_number(

  def update_number
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0 # buy or place order
        if @place_order
          @place_order = nil
        elsif @investment
          @investment = nil
          @status_window.investment = nil
          @question_window.visible = false
          @status_window.visible = false
          @dummy_window.visible = true
          discount =
          if discount == 0
            text = sprintf(KyoShopLabels::APPLYDISCOUNT, discount) + "%"
      when 1 # sell
        @status_window.visible = false
      @stage = @last_stage
      return @last_stage = nil
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0  # buy
        $game_party.lose_gold(@number_window.number * @price)
        number = @number_window.number
        if @place_order
        elsif @investment
        @stage = @last_stage
        return @last_stage = nil
      when 1  # sell
        number = @number_window.number
        $game_party.gain_gold(number * (@item.price / 2))
        case @item
        when RPG::Item then   $game_party.lose_item(, number)
        when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.lose_weapon(, number)
        when RPG::Armor then  $game_party.lose_armor(, number)
        @status_window.visible = false
        @stage = @last_stage
        return @last_stage = nil

  def update_number_place_order(number)
    steps = $game_party.steps + KyoShopOrders.steps[@order_window.index]
    order = [nil,, number, steps]
    order[0] = case @item
    when RPG::Item then 0
    when RPG::Weapon then 1
    when RPG::Armor then 2
    $game_system.placed_orders[@pack_id] ||= []
    $game_system.placed_orders[@pack_id] << order
    @place_order = nil

  def update_number_investment(number)
    @investment = nil
    @status_window.investment = nil
    $game_system.shop_shares[@shop_id] += number
    @question_window.visible = false
    @status_window.visible = false
    @dummy_window.visible = true

  def update_number_purchase(number)
    case @item
    when RPG::Item then $game_party.gain_item(, number)
    when RPG::Weapon then $game_party.gain_weapon(, number)
    when RPG::Armor then $game_party.gain_armor(, number)
    if @coupons_allowed
      @coupons_allowed = nil
      $game_party.lose_item(, 1)
      @discount_window.refresh = 0
      @discount = 0
Have you ever tried using a mini-map script on a map that you copied from another project and it just went *KE-RASH*?

Well, I was dumbfounded.... particularly because it was MY mini-map script and I was trying to figure out what was forcing the script to go berserk.  It was causing problems with the default Game_Map class's terrain_tag method.  But the map itself, though jumbled in appearance, was appearing to run fine.  That, and I ran traces on x/y coordinates for every tile, but found no joy.  That, until I decided to check tileset of the map in the original project.

Map #81?  I had no map #81 in this new project.  Aaaarrrgh!    Well, after creating an 81st tileset, the Mini-Map script works. 

Mebby a test needs to be put in place for an error-checking and bypass feature.

Running a few compatibility checks, I discovered that my Lycan ABS does need a minor alteration.  It appears that the RMXP SDK uses a method with the same name as a method within Lycan.  This duplication causes an error forcing a crash.  A simple fix, I just had to rename the method.

Just one more thing I have in store for the next Lycan ABS demo... when I can get to it.

There have been a number of things that have been looked at, first being its compatability with the RMXP SDK version 2.4. It appears that its revised Sprite class created a method which didn't exist within the default Sprite class. And my Lycan ABS created s method within Sprite_Character with the same name. This resulted in an error, which was easily fixed just by changing the name of my method.

As simple as I made the 'main' processing method of the Lycan ABS's HUD script, it appears that some custom Map scripts had issue detecting whether it was disposed or not. So a minor fix was put into place.

The Paperdoll system... ah, yes... the Paperdoll system.... Not everyone uses multiple poses with their ABS, opting to use a simple 4-by-4 characterset, but still want the whole Paperdoll option. Initially, the paperdoll script required Frank's MultiPose script. But now, with some additions and modifications, it doesn't. The paperdoll script, in fact, checks for the actual existence of the Multipose's config module and the values within. And if it doesn't find any, it falls back upon tried and true default values.

Oh, DerVV... DerVV... DerVV... You found a bug in the ABS after all this time. And it was a feature you created years before! Ah, years ago, I worked with MrMo's ABS to create the 'ABS Ultimate' package. This was a package that included many features in the Lycan ABS, including treasure drops. Up until that point, MrMo's ABS didn't have them. But my work upon his system fixed that. However, when I recreated by option for treasure drops, I neglected to properly set up how items left behind were to be dropped upon the screen if the items were (a) grouped together and (b) not to be scavanged from a corpse to loot. It was something overtly simple... doh!

NOW to describe the FUN NEW ADDITIONS!

DIAGONAL ACTIONS has been redone and with a major change. If the system is set to normal four-directional actions, the player and the enemies can only use normal cartesian movement. And with that, they can only attack straight ahead and in only the four directions permitted. Up until this point, the option for Diagonal Actions only permitted the player and enemies to move in eight directions and performed a sort-of- sweep melee attack in front of themselves. The only caveat is that a player, if armed with a keyboard script that permitted 8-directions, can fire missiles in all eight directions while the enemies only four. This is no longer the case.

The new option with DIAGONAL ACTIONS now permits eight directional movement for all parties, sweeping attacks, and eight directional missile fire... even for the enemies!!! Let me tell you, I died a good number of times in Crag Canyon with those damned bushwhackers around there. Oh, I can alter things by setting individual delays in action after they CHOOSE to fire... sort of like setting which one is a faster draw of the gun. But now, things have gotten cranked up in the missile combat.


Yes, you can now STRAFE with Lycan! Currently, I set the STAFE key to the SHIFT key, and my character stays locked facing one direction while it moves side to side! AND I can fire while strafing too! No more do you have to just move forward and turn to fire at a target... unless someone takes strafing out of their game.

Don't worry about having the gun kick you backwards into a wall. The same KICK system doublechecks to make sure you don't go "INTO" a wall or out the other side. Well, just as long as you don't set the STRAFE key to 'Ctrl' and are playing in Debug mode. Hehehe.. after all, debug mode lets you walk THROUGH walls. That kinda messes it up.

So do I have any more plans for the Lycan ABS? Certainly!!!

The Lycan ABS does simulate various status effects that can be applied to both the player and the enemies. However, some of the status effects have had little effect upon enemies, those dealing with enemy vision or hearing. Granted, a 'hearing' ailment has little effect for the player, so that is not likely to effect enemies. However, a feature that dims/hampers the player's screen should also affect enemy's 'Vision' options. Yeah, the BLIND_EFFECT slows enemies doewn, but doesn't affect their vision.

HASTE and SLOW... ah, fun ones in a sideview battlesystem with AT bars... so to should these be added for the ABS. In the ABS, you have a delay option called the MASH TIME. This gauges how often the player or enemy can perform an action. If I make the system HASTE this mash time, the delay should be shortened so attacks can be made more rapidly. And if SLOWED, the reverse! Optionally, a feature of similar nature should be set up for actual after-choice delays. I did mention the cowboy with the quick-draw, right?

So... any thoughts? ^_^
(01-13-2019, 04:42 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-12-2019, 12:03 PM)Steel Beast 6Beets Wrote: [ -> ]On a different subject, is there a way to make a status buff permanent on a player once they have learned a skill on XP?

Are you talking about having a status bonus effect such as "Haste"?  I never saw anyone make a status effect fully permanent.  Well, not one that is not concealed in some way (ie ... vampirism or something ^_^).  It need not require a script either.  Performing a test, I just took DAZZLE, and knocked off anything that made the state vanish:  Unchecked the 'Release at the end of battle' , set 'after X turns' to 0, and set both chance to release values to 0%.  Other than making Aluxes totally weak on combat Laughing it works just fine. I used an event and made him already "Dazzled" before he enters battle, and he emerges still Dazzled after.

At last I can reply.

Well, that's indeed what I'm trying to do. Thing is, those status would be granted by learning passive skills. I got the idea after playing Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. For example there's this character I got, Ravus, who gained a skill called "Magitek Arm" that boots attack by 30%, defense by 20% and fire resistance by 10%.

I did manage to come across a way to do this via common events for skills that power up elemental damage. Of course, that's possible only in battle. What I'm looking for is a way to make status that increment stats permanently, like the example above, once the character learns a certain skill.

Quote:NOW to describe the FUN NEW ADDITIONS!

DIAGONAL ACTIONS has been redone and with a major change. If the system is set to normal four-directional actions, the player and the enemies can only use normal cartesian movement. And with that, they can only attack straight ahead and in only the four directions permitted. Up until this point, the option for Diagonal Actions only permitted the player and enemies to move in eight directions and performed a sort-of- sweep melee attack in front of themselves. The only caveat is that a player, if armed with a keyboard script that permitted 8-directions, can fire missiles in all eight directions while the enemies only four. This is no longer the case.

The new option with DIAGONAL ACTIONS now permits eight directional movement for all parties, sweeping attacks, and eight directional missile fire... even for the enemies!!! Let me tell you, I died a good number of times in Crag Canyon with those damned bushwhackers around there. Oh, I can alter things by setting individual delays in action after they CHOOSE to fire... sort of like setting which one is a faster draw of the gun. But now, things have gotten cranked up in the missile combat.

Would the system require that the attack animations also be in 8 directions or can be done with animations in the standard 4 directions?
If you are talking about RPGMaker's 'Battle Animations' that get played within the Default Battlesystem and can be used within Lycan, those never changed direction. The 'HIT' animation, if used when a target is struck, never rotated of flipped regardless of the target's facing direction. So changing to an 8-directional/diagonal attack doesn't look any different than when performed with a cartesian 4-directional attack.

To be fair, the hero had an unfair advantage over the enemies when missile combat was involved... enemies unable to attack diagonally while the player could... The 2nd story demo definitely pointed that out. Jame was able to attack and hit with 8-directional precision with same said battle animations while the cowboys were stuck attacking in just 4. Erm, the next time I update Lycan, this will change. Hehehe...

Did I mention I died over and over because the cowboys were crack shots?
I see. It does seem odds were stacked in favor of the heroes if they had mastered the art of 8 directional shooting. Guess now things in the battlefield will be even.
Hey, Steel. Back to the inquiry about Status Effects.

So you're not solely interested in a status effect that is permanent. You're suggesting a status effect that actively gives you an actor stat (STR/INT/ETC) or element bonus on a permanent basis. Is this status effect permanent as long as the passive skill is in play? Or is the status effect acquired the moment you gain the passive skill, and the status effect never ends even after losing the passive skill?

Honestly, I made a status effect that remained in play throughout the game, eliminating all of the 'release conditions'. The only thing that WOULD release it, nixing the state, would be any healing skills or items that eliminate my new state effect, or the "Recover All" map event.
Back at work coding the Lycan ABS... and making some fun headway with map-combat related states.

Oh, insofar as stats are concerned, I did create a new script that merely BLOCKS specified states from being added or removed without a specific script call from being used.  It was designed thus so you can't accidentally cure someone of a state with 'RECOVER ALL' if the specified state is... um... incurable.   Seriously, do you really think a state like VAMPIRISM can be cured by quaffing a simple elixer?

Well, back to Lycan and the states.  As of now, I crafted two forms of speed-related states:  Mash Haste and Mash Slowed.  These affect how often the on-map combatants can attack compared to normal.

For example, if the player can typically press the attack button every 1/2 a second, the Mash Slowed state might prevent the player from attacking until 1 1/2 seconds pass.  Likewise, the Mash Haste state might allow the player to attack every 1/4th of a second.

Likewise, a gung-ho Cowboy in a demo, when set to Mash Haste, just unloaded lead FREAKIN FAST!!!!

The other set of states I wish to add are for a form of delay system.  However, the delay system that was request has not yet been added....

Here's the thing.   Yes, there is a form of timer delay system in the Lycan ABS, but it is one that is meant to work with the attack animatics.  If your character STRIKES its target the moment you press the button, you would have the currently set delay value to 0.  But if you are playing a charset animatic of a hero swinging his sword and want to have the 'STRIKE' happen when the 3rd frame is shown, you would likely want a little delay and thus set the delay value to 2.

So yes, Lycan has a delay system, but only for the attack animations, not one for attack preparations, quick draws or the like.....  yet.

But when that is in play, two more speed related states will be made available for that too.

This new attack delay feature might take some time........
(01-21-2019, 05:26 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, Steel.  Back to the inquiry about Status Effects.

So you're not solely interested in a status effect that is permanent.   You're suggesting a status effect that actively gives you an actor stat (STR/INT/ETC)  or element bonus on a permanent basis.  Is this  status effect  permanent as long as the passive skill is in play?  Or is the status effect  acquired the moment you gain the passive skill, and the status effect never ends even after losing the passive skill?

Honestly, I made a status effect that remained in play throughout the game, eliminating all of the 'release conditions'.  The only thing that WOULD release it, nixing the state, would be any healing skills or items that eliminate my new state effect, or the "Recover All" map event.

Pretty much the bolded part. Once the passive skill is learned, the status effect becomes permanent. Basically it's just like the character had gained a conventional skill that can never be removed only instead of giving the character a new ability it gives them a buff.

Also, I had no idea that the "Recover All" event also acted like a status effect purger. That makes sense.
I don't wanna spoil anyone else's efforts but KElemRES XP already supports the permanent state feature among many other options related to elemental settings.