There are many features that can alter Random Troops and how they're encountered...
Enemy Troop Extender
by SephirothSpawn (February 17, 2005)
This system extends the number of enemy battlers for a single TROOPS beyond the default maximum of eight. Yes, beyond eight in a single battle.
Extended Random Encounters
by Kread-Ex (June 14, 2010)
For the random encounters lovers out there (bleh), here is a simple script to make them slightly more interesting. First, a colorful circle to know when the fight will start. More red the circle is, closer the battle is. Secondly, a Gust-ish system to allow a maximum number of battles for each area.
GMG: The General Monster Generator
DerVVulfman (February 24, 2011)
Based in part on SephirothSpawn's Event Spawner, this system grants the user access to quick and pre-defined script calls for generating enemy events. The enemy events that will appear on the screen may either call forth a battle as it would with the traditional map event 'Battle Processing', or it may be an enemy used by an Action Battle System such as Near Fantastica's SBABS (Squad Based Action Battle System.
KMoreTroops XP
kyonides (November 28, 2016)
This quite simple scriptlet available in English and Spanish lets you include more than a single troop during battle. If you defeated the first troop, then another one might show up to finish the job or perhaps they would sacrifice themselves to let their boss smash the weakened heroes in a single blow. This script was created for the default XP battle system and compatible scripts, it just makes minor changes that shouldn't interfere in any way possible with other simple battle systems available out there.
Leveled Enemy Lists
DerVVulfman (September 12, 2019)
Have you even thought... my random enemies don't seem to match my heroes when they engage them? Have you ever thought that maybe you could swap out the enemies in your Troops with other enemies if the average party member's level is high enough? Now you can.
Map : Change Encounters
by Kain Nobel( )
I just created this so you can change map encounter list and step values... normally, you'd probably find yourself copy/pasting duplicate maps to have different encounters, but now you don't have to! It'll give your project just a little less weight, as far as 'duplicate maps' go
RandomEnkounters XP
This scriptlet adds a very simple but curious feature to your game mechanics, it shows one of the semi-randomly generated monsters that could emerge out of the blue every other hero's step. Once this happens the hero can't do much about it but turn around in desperation possibly. Later on the player would listen to some "I'm here" or "Come and get me" or any similar (customizable) sound effect just a few moments before the battle starts.
Random Monster Groups
by RPG Advocate (unknown date)
This script allows you to set up monster groups composed of random enemies.
RM2K Defined Encounters Areas
by RPG Advocate (before December, 2005)
This script allows you to set up rectangular areas with different encounters like the map editor functionality of RPG Maker 2000 and 2003.
Yin's Extra Troops
DerVVulfman (December 20, 2011)
With this, you can make a battle have more than two troops engaged at the same time. All actions in the troops window are based on the initial troop that's called when entering a battle (random battles, map event 'Battle Processing'). So the battle conditions in the second troop will not come into play. The only caveat to this is that the enemies in the second troop will not be controlled or a part of the first troop's event system.