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[Image: kfrozenskillxp01.jpg]

KFrozenSkill XP - The Menu! Shocked

Happy with a sweat At least an alpha version of my script...
Thinking What do you think about it, guys?
[Image: kshlenamxp01.jpg]

There's KShlenam XP!
As you may have noticed it's an Options Menu. Laughing + Tongue sticking out
Thinking Got any thoughts on my latest script projects?
I badly need inspiration and no one seems to be suggesting anything, just anything, that might be "scriptable" in my humble opinion. Sad
Does it mean that there's nothing new under the sun? Confused
Or are they spending their days playing beach volleyball during this hot summer? Thinking
By the way, it's quite rainy down here in Costa Rica. Happy with a sweat At least it's been kind of dry today but not sunny at all.
(06-25-2022, 02:19 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]Or are they spending their days playing beach volleyball during this hot summer? Thinking
By the way, it's quite rainy down here in Costa Rica. Happy with a sweat At least it's been kind of dry today but not sunny at all.

Okay, make it so skill powers increase based ON it being dry weather (EARTH BONUS), if you're at the beach (RAIN BONUS), in a snow town (FREEZE BONUS) or whatever. Terrain bonus (or weather system bonus) added to the skill effect. Winking

Basically a weather wizard or something like that :D
(06-25-2022, 02:25 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-25-2022, 02:19 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]Or are they spending their days playing beach volleyball during this hot summer? Thinking
By the way, it's quite rainy down here in Costa Rica. Happy with a sweat At least it's been kind of dry today but not sunny at all.

Okay, make it so skill powers increase based ON it being dry weather (EARTH BONUS), if you're at the beach (RAIN BONUS), in a snow town (FREEZE BONUS) or whatever. Terrain bonus (or weather system bonus) added to the skill effect.  Winking

Basically a weather wizard or something like that :D

Thinking May I ask you who has made such a request? It's just out of a sharkish curiosity.
No one actually. It just seemed... the obvious scriptin' evolution?
Then I would prefer to develop a skill that backfires if the hero's level is too low for casting it properly. I don't mean that the enemy won't take any damage, it's just that the Wizard caster won't be able to stay away from danger. Laughing
Heyo! Been a while, huh? I've been without a PC a lot lately due to my PC being bricked. i got a new one and I'm back in the swing of things!

Finding That Which Was Lost

Awakening the Snorebeast

Also I'm a Vtuber now.

Remi-Chan's Debut

Why Espyori Works! (In my eyes)

So yea! I been busy!
I've been quite busy with real life issues as of late so it had been almost impossible for me to work on scripts... until now! Shocked

Here you can take a look at the brand new KBribe XP script! Grinning
Yes, now you can bribe your foes! Two Thumbs Up!

I can't really tell for sure whether or not it's production ready right now so I'm asking all adventurers Ghim Slayne Deedlit Orson Dark Elf to go test it for me Laughing + Tongue sticking out before I officially release it everywhere. Happy with a sweat

# * KBribe XP
#   Scripter : Kyonides Arkanthes
#   2022-07-10
# * Non Plug & Play Script * #

# Now you can bribe your foes!
# In the KBribe module you can find several CONSTANTS where you can set the
# initial values for the hit rate, damage percent, etc.

# * Script Calls * #

# $game_party.bribe_hit = Percent
# $game_party.bribe_gold_percent = Percent
# $game_party.bribe_dmg_percent = Percent
# $game_party.bribe_gold_min = Coins
# $game_party.bribe_show_dmg_pop = true  or  false

module KBribe
  SKILL_ID = 81
  ANIMATION_ID = 101 # Bribing Hero's Failure Animation
  GOLD_MIN = 50
  SHOW_DMG_POP_UP = true
  SUCCESS_LABEL = "Bribed"
  extend self
  @battlers = []
  def <<(battler) @battlers << battler end
  def setup
    @battlers.each do |btlr|
      btlr.animation_id = ANIMATION_ID
      btlr.animation_hit = true

  def hurt!
    @battlers.each{|btlr| btlr.damage_pop = $game_party.bribe_show_dmg_pop }

class Game_Party
  alias :kyon_bribe_gm_pty_init :initialize
  def initialize
    @bribe_hit = KBribe::START_HIT_RATE
    @bribe_gold_percent = KBribe::START_GOLD_PERCENT
    @bribe_dmg_percent = KBribe::FAILURE_DMG_PERCENT
    @bribe_gold_min = KBribe::GOLD_MIN
    @bribe_show_dmg_pop = KBribe::SHOW_DMG_POP_UP

  def pay_bribe!
    return false if @bribe_gold_min > @gold
    amount = (@gold / 100 * @bribe_gold_percent).round
  attr_accessor :bribe_hit, :bribe_gold_percent
  attr_accessor :bribe_dmg_percent, :bribe_gold_min, :bribe_show_dmg_pop

class Game_Battler
  alias :kyon_bribe_gm_btlr_skill_fx :skill_effect
  def check_bribe(user)
    hit = $game_party.pay_bribe!
    hit |= rand(100) < $game_party.bribe_hit
    if hit
      @damage = KBribe::SUCCESS_LABEL
      user.damage = (user.hp / 100 * $game_party.bribe_dmg_percent).round
      user.hp -= user.damage
      KBribe << user

  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    return check_bribe(user) if self.enemy? and KBribe::SKILL_ID ==
    kyon_bribe_gm_btlr_skill_fx(user, skill)
  def actor?() @actor_id != nil end
  def enemy?() @enemy_id != nil end

class Scene_Battle
  alias :kyon_backfire_scn_btl_up_ph4_s4 :update_phase4_step4
  alias :kyon_backfire_scn_btl_up_ph4_s5 :update_phase4_step5
  def update_phase4_step4

  def update_phase4_step5
(05-13-2022, 04:09 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]Then... cleanup, instructions and implementation... and done?

Laughing + Tongue sticking out  Head-desk Thud  And then back to the OTHER system request in the works

At EFFIN' LONG LAST!!!!!  I have finished the implementation of the Tactical system and its accompanying (exclusive) Suikoden window system.

There were several compatibility issues with the system, none actually involving the map system.  Hahaha... it had no issues with BIGMAPS, nor DYNAMIC MAPS EXPANDED...  though it had hiccups with Zeriab's Anti-Lag.  For that I needed a patch.  But that was worked out pretty fast... except for GHOSTING.  I won't bore you with the details on multiple copies of the same character appearing.

Meanwhile, there were also issues that were related to the system being implemented into the project which already had a very detailed side-view battlesystem of its own:  Charlie Fleed's CTB.  In this, there were issues with Damage Pops (Easy), crashes related to the Charlie Fleed Summoned combatants (headache... took a week), bonus actors (if not already in cache, and more.

Now.. THANKFULLY... I am DONE with that.

Before I go to my last 'system request', I gotta take a break.  Head-desk Thud Head-desk Thud Head-desk Thud Head-desk Thud Head-desk Thud