Clover is giving me the same vibes as this dude.
I think the eldest princess looks nice, but I prefer how the younger one looks. She looks a tad south-east asian due to her somewhat slanted eyes and the facial structure. Kinda looks a bit like Starmage, who lives in the Philippines if I'm recalling right. None of this is a bad thing, Starmage is a beautiful person.
Oh? What...? You want to know what I got done?
Hum... well then. I'm afraid I don't have much to show, but I do have some news.
Pjcr will be getting me all of his files on July 14-15th.
Xiie should have internet within the month.
I am basically done with my work --sans bug fixing-- until they get their asses in gear.
What's that? You want to know what I will do in the interim? Huh... I guess I haven't really thought about it too much? I do intend to work on another game or two during this moment of opportunity. Most likely, Intelligence Multi-verse. But Junked is a consideration, as well.
I would work on Flight but I'm gonna wait until I have the portraits for Mad E. Lin, who is a major character in the game, having the Spriteopian portraits would help, also.
I've gotta start compiling the work orders for Disk 3 and Disk Δ, I already know basically the volume... and it's amazing how little it is. or perhaps... it's more accurate to say how not monstrously overloaded it is. Disk 2, content wise, has been an absolute monster for everyone involved. myself with all the events I've had to make, my artists for all the assets they've had to make, and DerVVulfman for all the testing he'd had to go and do.
It's pretty incredible, really. That for the final two disks of the game. The amount of portraits is half what it was for just one of the work order documents of Disk 2, and on top of that, instead of two separate work orders, there's only one.
More or less: There's a quarter as much work involved.
Pjcr's conviction and commitment is scary sometimes. He recently finished the utterly absurd amount of work orders for Disk 2, and he's already asking me for more? What's with this excellent brat!?
Fortuneately, there's always more that can be done. For the observant among you, you may have noticed all but a few exceptions in the portraits who are front facing, where just about everything else is on a 3/4 view.
Esperia and the two antagonists meet that criteria. Originally, the design choice was intentional in the Twins' case, as the whole gimmick is that they were always watching. So it felt more personal when they looked right at the player.
But all this really does is create a noticeable dissonance, especially when Esperia shares in that behaviour for no real reason. There is one, but it's based in antiquity, not intentional design.
So until I can get the work orders ready, I put Pjcr to work on angling the Twins and Esperia. The main reason is more mechanical than for appearances.
All three of these behemothian characters have wings, and large ones. Esperia's cover three quarters of the screen, and when Yi outstretches hers, they are similarly dominating. The 3/4 angle hels subdue the otherwise larger-than-life wingspan by way of perspective, which is ideal since portraits already tend to take up anywhere from a fifth to a third of the screen.
This also provides a significant bonus because it gives me assets to work with in cinematics. A good example is the PH Esperia I am using for FS11 when Yi kicks her really hard. Just before the blow lands, a bizarre image shows of Esperia that twists the intention of the scene and shows a sudden and jarring consistency problem. There's a similar issue in FS06 when Yi goes to kick Esperia and misses due to a well-timed teleport, Yi's graphic for a moment changes to a very dated image of her being 3/4 which has a less jarring, but still noticeably inconsistent effect. In that same scene, Esperia is facing the camera, when she should be looking to her left, portraits of a 3/4 nature make this possible, but having the front facing ones help add intensity to moments like just after Esperia gets kicked in FS11 or the various moments Yi is talking not only to the people in her crosshairs, but the camera as well.