Times like this, I'm reminded of this screenshot~
![[Image: 7ZlPkYy.png]](https://i.imgur.com/7ZlPkYy.png)
Like, why don't you two just pick up a nice bottle of red wine and get it fucking over with?
Hm, whazzat? What have I been doing to earn the right to ship these two in some erotic hellfic and still somehow appear like I'm not a
complete bitch for doing so??
Oh, y'know...
ENTIRELY reconstructing my database to futureproof potential but by no means confirmed POST-GAME DLC, restructuring huge parts of my custom evented menu to factor those database changes, going through and adding new items for Disk 3 that weren't planned for, therefore messing up my itemIDs and requiring a large lot of work to redistribute large chunks of the menu system, and as a bonus I have to go through the entire game and re-calibrate every item drop so you don't get stuff at the wrong times.
Did I mention this game takes about 30-40 hours to 100% in it's current state??
I also updated the Iconset to accommodate for new changes and it just needed a rework in general, the scope of the game quickly expanded beyond what I initially intended and so did the iconset. It's still a compact 512x512 cutiepie of a thing though!
![[Image: Q3U09Iq.png]](https://i.imgur.com/Q3U09Iq.png)
So I've also had to in some cases re-assign a lot of those. Thankfully, I know the ancient coder-jitsu of HA HA OPENING THE COMMONEVENTS.JS FILE AND JUST FIND_REPLACE-ING \i[XX] ENTRIES TO REFLECT THE MAJORITY OF ENTRIES!! Just gotta go through the optional events and re-calibrate certain medal icons since the order of those was largely shifted past the 24th one.
You might also notice a lot more food there, yeah... I added 19 new delicacies. I also added 6 new pamphlets, 6 new medals and have a new 42 brochures planned but I've gotta do the assets for them yet. But otherwise the updates are mostly done, with just some small icon patch-up work to be handled in the Optional Event Dossier regarding medal rewards.
Also adjusting my menus to more widely accept buttons, like for some reason 'esc' wasn't closing the tab menu and 'enter' wasn't opening things within it, and also I just wanted to make it possible to scroll up and down the menu using the arrow keys if you wanted.
Well, NOW THAT'S ALL DONE! Yeah... turns out it wasn't 'esc' or 'enter' for the conditional script branch, it accepts only `escape` and `return` ha ha! Things I only discovered recently because I use left and right click and then just move with WASD because my hands don't want to contract carpal tunnel if they can avoid it!
I also added the ability to easily switch through characters in the equip_scene using Q and E.
BUTT WEIGHT!!! I hear you cry: "Isn't the E key used to... y'know, use the overdrive ability?? So won't that potentially cause a conflict, Remi??"
The answer is plainly... No! Because you are not going to be opening the menu in combat, and I mean-- you literally aren't allowed and if you are... that's a bug! So the only other thing E is now used for is a fast-forward through text key --which again-- can only occur on map during dialogue, which you are not going to have your menu open for, and dialogue does generally not play in combat, and when it does, it is via those funny little gab windows.
So, now that I've confirmed your fears are not worth validation, I'm sure you have another question! "What be the sacred keys?? Please tell me!"
And yeah sure...
[Movement] both in menus and on field is done with either WASD or Arrow keys. Both work, you can also use numpad if you want to try getting conniptions but I do not recommend it.
[Confirm] can be Left Click, Z, Enter, Spacebar or even Numpad Enter if you're that special kind of spicy who has to do everything in the dumbest way imaginable.
[Cancel] is Right Click, X or Escape.
[TAB] can be used to open the Main Menu and closed from within it's mainframe-- which makes sense given it is literally called the TAB.
[Left Click] is Attack. It will shoot projectiles towards where your mouse cursor is.
[Shift] is to Skedaddle. So is sprinting, you can't sprint in battle so... there's no real conflicts there.
[Right Click] is to Defend (is toggled). This wont cause issues in menus because again, you cannot have menus open during combat.
[E] is still the activator of ENNUI Empowerment.
[T] remains the dwsignated Taunt button, I don't worry too much because it's an ability that does nothing and it's just for flavor, really.
[F] switches through party members, though I'm looking into making mouse scroll and 1-5 on the numpad and number keys (depending on party size) on keyboard work as well.
So, to say I have been productive is putting it lightly, sadly this is all kind of mostly on backend, so you won't really be able to see it. But! You will be able to FEEL it when you glide through those menus smooth as a swan through a lake. This new tech has a set a new standard for my games and now I'm honestly considering doing a small rework to PFC to make some of this stuff possible. But that's future stuff.
Hm, what about Pjcr and Xiie? Nah, nothing new yet, it's Christmas week so... you get it. Only
I'm enough of a brain-rotted leper to go and work my ass off literally the day after Christmas.
Unrelated note on the hilarious old couple soap-level bickering between some dude in his fifties and the wannabe senior who is still by every extension a junior.
(12-29-2024, 11:57 PM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]And here I come once again to prove you wrong! :twitchemotemoment:
(12-30-2024, 04:26 AM)kyonides Wrote: [ -> ]It was that mutt Wulfo, not me, your local foxboi rubyist Kyonides. :*wonk:
Real question for you to ask yourself, Kyonides: How are you
actually more insufferable than me??
Only I'm allowed to be this painful to read, I... you can't do that! That is
I'm genuinely impressed! When people say I have an ego I think 'Okay maybe they have a point?? I really might, but you know- I work hard, I put my soul into the work I do, so if they wanna think I have an ego, at least I can say I've earned the right to have one even if I still don't know if it's an ego so much as it is just self-confidence.'
Thankfully I have you to remind me of what an ego completely unsanctioned by much of anything looks like and I stop worrying because while it may be a faux pas to compare myself to someone else and use them as a means of transcendence, I can't help it when you provide such a stunning example completely stripped of self-awareness. Thank you, Kyonides.