I was trying to find a way to have certain characters/enemys have other dispose colours as others but so far I was only able to change the overall colour, for everyone. Since I'm not a scripter I don't know if it's even possible but I shall continue to try anyway XD
Dispose colors when they die?
*DerVVulfman rummages through the FSL*
.... I think PK8 just released one a couple years or so ago....
XP - Collapse Blend/Color/Duration
by PK8 (November 18, 2009)
Game makers get to set up the collapse effect's colour, duration and blend type.
Unfortunately, that affects all battlers.
There's probably a way to do it for individual battlers, but I don't know how easy it would be. If there's a @battler definition somewhere in that Sprite class... which is unlikely, you could create an array of battler => colour...
If not, perhaps then you'd need to modify def collapse into def collapse(battler = 0), add some cases that check battler, then find wherever else collapse is referenced and change it to collapse(target.id) or similar.
I'm being very vague and confusing here though for anyone who's not slightly familiar with scripting. Sorry about that.
Hm. Methinks PK8 may be given another script idea.
On my RM-Mind:
Been tinkering with my Crafting demo for kicks... adding two more fun pieces of music here and there. Also, writing instructions for the system is BOOOOOORING.
Something's up with the projectile events being spawned from another map with the Event Spawner script. Even though I have them get erased at their end, they still seem to lag up the map due to being parallel processes. They were messing with "what's in front of the player" functions too, even after being erased.
I added "Set event location 000, 000" commands to them, and lo and behold that corner of the map lags after a bit of hacking and slashing.
EDIT: ... and it happens with a mass of normal same-map events too, unrelated to the script.
Wh... okay I am not much of a scripter but that's faulty.
And to prove my lack of scripting, attempting to fix it is not going well.
Strange as it sounds, MrMo's ABS didn't use events for projectiles. He used an array for his projectiles and just tracked them. Separate code to move them ('x+1', 'y-1' ) and detect hits. He also just used a sprite that was drawn at the location stored for the array. Game_Character rather than Game_Event. Without it being an Event, not so much lag.
I still wonder about deleted events still contributing to lag, but I wonder if I con modify the event spawner to have specific events always take the same ID... that... might help?
Deleted events are deleted. They shouldn't cause any lag. Still... too many events at one time will cause undue lag, and an anti-lag script for events off-screen would be handy.
You may want a separate thread for this.
Nearly done working on a demo for the Crafting script. Only thing missing is the battler graphic. But... I added some nice new touches (to anyone who played a beta), included a new 'byproduct' feature, and included some fun music.