Guess that's a different matter then.
But now, it's time for the Lycan Hour! And here's your host, DerVVulfman!!!
Greetings, friends. The Lycan ABS is coming along, though I did notice a couple of problems with my system. These issues were discovered when I was attempting to install the personalities system which would let enemies back away from the player if things got too hairy for them. Needless to say, I didn't install it as yet... but soon.
In order to ensure a few things, I had to use a recycling refresh-the-events system. That had the drawback of refreshing the enemies on the screen if one had died. That's not really bad, but if you were taking on two enemies, one would reset to his original stats and be cured once the other got killed. It would really suck if you fought a very big boss guy and got his 50,000 HPs beaten down to a measly 12HP, only to have a party member kill a puny bug on the screen... and your boss guy resets! AARRRGH!
Now, you may wonder why I even had a recycle-the-events system. Such was necessary when an enemy may (by chance) respawn after being killed or the event that held an enemy's data could change if the enemy was killed and went to another event page with a new enemy being born.
Well, it wasn't the only thing that was a pain. Though one could call it a cheat, I call it a problem. I found that if an ememy had the default red-out death, the player could still attack it while it was fading out. You'd get the experience and gold for killing it again and the collapse effect would start over. You could do this again and again and again. However, you could be attacked by the so-called 'dead' enemy while this occurs. This too was a result of the recycling refresh-the-events system and had to be rectified.
Now I was curious when I was working on the 'dead player still gets killed' problem whether the issue was merely with my melee attack system, so I tried it with the missile system too. Meh... it was with missiles too. I disabled the trigger system and set it to full automatic (something I'll have as a feature for guns later), by changing the trigger to a system. Man, bullets can fly fast! But... that reminded me that my Mousie system still didn't have a 'pressed' mouse-button system. You can click, but that was it.
Anyone see where I'm going here?
Yep, I decided to take a look and see how to make Mousie allow for pressed mouse button functions. I didn't want the automatic weapons to only work from the keyboard while you can hack n slash with both keyboard and mouse. My first step was to make a mirror copy of the trigger? method in my script and rename it press? Then, I just changed every instance of trigger? to... well, you get the idea. But that didn't do it. I still needed to poke into the actual hardware code of Mousie. I had a routine to check actual mouse clicking and even double clicking, but nothing as yet for mouse pressed. To be honest, it didn't take that long. However, I felt like a goof for not seeing the solution until now. How long did I have Mousie in development?
After changing the version number and adding a little more instructions for the user, I decided to edit the demo. For those who wonder why they can't move the player with mouse clicks, it is because I have it set to 'Mouse Event' control. That means, you can move the mouse over the events and click on them like the old adventure games such as LucasArts: Maniac Mansion and Full Throttle, Sierra's Kings Quest series or Police Quest. The demo lets you actually turn it all on or off and the NPCs explains the features when you first click them.