
Full Version: KoeKaiser Character Template
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Shocked Shocked Shocked
OMG! DerVVulfman is posting resources!?
And he worked on something other than a script!?!?



Okay, enough jokes. I was shown a template a couple days ago called the Koemushi template and it was... Well, it wasn't half bad. But it was kind of small and while there were male and female characters, they were too small for actual definition.

So I increased the height and width a bit, actually making them the size of the RPGMaker XP sprites (yeah, they were actually smaller). And in doing so, I unintentionally made them look a bit like the half kaiser template by ShowKaiser. The females now have rounder curves, more slender arms and smaller feet, clearly making them appear different from the male counterpart.

They're not bad, but the shading does need work. Something more defined.

And clothing is needed for this set.

In that, I am labeling this as an OPEN-SOURCE resource for members of this forum... an Exclusive for Save-Point.Org. Feel free to post edits, resources to fit the sprites, and so forth.

Q: Why did I make them in 'magenta and green blocks:
A: Most game engines use the 3x4 or 4x4 characterset layout that RPGMaker XP and VX uses, but some systems use a single horizontal strip. I made the background like this so users of these 'other' game systems can cut and edit the template for their own uses.

[Image: Exclusive1.png]
Something like Genesis2D uses a characterset system that has all four directions in a single horizontal strip. If you're using that, just cut 'em up and reassemble them as you'd need.

If you're using RPGMaker VX, the left-most 'standing' frame in each is the one you'll crop away.

After that, you'll just need a little 'flood fill' of a single color so you can import 'em into your system of choice.

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EDIT: Minor Glitch with head/heck area on both male and female templates. Not sure anyone noticed. No one downloaded the female template yet.