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Save-Point - Custom Paramters


Full Version: Custom Paramters
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hi there hope i can find some one who can help me out ^^
i want new parameters like str,agi,dex,int ...
it would be nice if you dont actually make a complete script for me, make a tutorial which i can work down. (but not to hard ^^)
i want to add vit (vitality), mnd (mind), chr (charism) and lck (luck).
all parameters should be increased by level up just as normal paramters but different for every actor so pls not as array !!!
and it should be possible to influence skills with them like normally just by script because the databse cant to that ^^
hope its possible to do that and someone is so nice to help me out !
thx a lot in advance and sry for the bad english...

Well, insofar as an extra parameters system. You're not the first to ask. Almost a year ago, someone asked me for the same thing, and I updated it for her last month. So... yeah... a script already existed, but wasn't publically posted.

Until now.

I posted it (>HERE<) and it has notes on how to use it to create your own parameters. It's the using those custom params that is up to you. It just makes them. And remember... plenty of notes.
well thx alot so far but can you maybe help me by influencing skills ?
i beg you its to hard for me ~_~
For the skills, you go into Game_Battler and edit the skill_effect method.

The routine below handles your chance to hit
# First hit detection
    hit = skill.hit
    if skill.atk_f > 0
      hit *= user.hit / 100
    hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)
So if you wanted to add an extra oomph to your hit detection, you could add a battler's stat here

# First hit detection
    hit = skill.hit
    if skill.atk_f > 0
      hit *= user.hit / 100
      # Adding mental bonus if skill has magic defense values
      hit += user.mnd  / 100 if skill.mdef_f > 0
    hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)

That's just to add the caster's MIND score to the hit chance if there is any magic power involved for the skill.
i will try it and thx a lot !!!
Let us know if this is 'solved' :wink"
sry, solved... Happy with a sweat