
Full Version: Kurokiri Labyrinth V2
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Looks nice! I'm not a big fan of VX/VXAce maps but I would still play it ^^
Owait, both your main characters are guys? I thought they were girls... >.<
Ok peeps! The first download is ready. Let me know of any stupid errors etc... If you guys find any. n.n
Can't download it - need to "log in or sign up" and I won't do that... >.>
Ok! Downloads fixed. XD Had a tough time finding something decent. n.n
DLing now, will post comments later today Blushing + Cheery

Some dialogue errors(chronologically):
- Main character (first dialogue screen): dialogue cut off at 'if', rest is ok
- Main character: What the hell is up with this place: Dialogue cut off at 'this'
- Chicken dude: back to my normal form: no reason t- dialogue cut off at to
- Old man in misty town: lest you get stuc- dialogue cut off at stuck
- Misty Town Spikes: SPikes are blocking your way: double capital

Misty Town: boulder east of entrance to the tunnels: when you stand south of it and use it, the game freezes

All I could find so far, otherwise a brilliant game Blushing + Cheery
Already collected a load of gems, stole an onion, found flint, got 4 pillars of virtua and got 2 of the lost misty town souls.
XD Thanks Pherione~ The cut-off for the text on RMVX Ace is glitchy, so it's a tad annoying getting that right. I thought I got most of them. XD But thanks for pointing those out. I'll fix them now. And glad you like it so far. n.n

EDIT>> Ok, they've been fixed. Thanks again. n.n
EDIT 2 >> Ok, the demo link has been updated. It now has none of the above errors, and also has another small fix which was somewhat... vital. XD
I played the demo a bit, it's a nice game, I especially like the music. Till now I just found a small bug, I put a screenshot in the attachment.
There's just the problem that you can pass where the red arrows are.
Ah crapstickles. XD Alright, thanks Ace. n.n
I collected 3 souls but can't leave misty town T.T
it's a bug?

also, in the cavern with two switches, I can get on the right side ledge by walking up the pit in the ground. (going in the right cavern and climbing up the left ledge that is)
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