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Save-Point - Living citizens


Full Version: Living citizens
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i wonder if its possible to have living citizens like in the elder scrolls games,
like person 1 wakes up at 6:00 and go to eat, at 6:15 he goes out of his house and gos to his shop,
at 6:30 hes reaches his shop and enter it, at 7:00 hes opens his shop, at 18:00 hes goes out of his shop and goes to the tavern and enter it, hes goes to the bar and sit there for 1 hoer, at 19:15 he goes out, at 19:30 he goes back into his house, at 20:00 he goes to sleep...

like this for every person in a town...

i think its to hard to script something but with events its impossible to do that Indifferent
if its possible and someone will make a script for that i can make a more detailed mockup with all
functions it must have ( i already made one but i have to find it in the mess of my harddrive^^)

so just say so and i will post it !

thx in advance even its not possible Happy with a sweat
For something like that, just use events. A script could probably do it but I expect it would be more complex.
For the hours and all, a script is very likely needed. And what I mean is a day/night script that can track the hours. My Melly Mel Calendar script would be one that you'd enjoy. On a side note, you may wanna use Kylee's Guilds Winking That is if you wanna have a Fighter's Guild, a Mage's Guild, the Thieves Guild, and etc you'd see in an Elder Scrolls game.

But, they only deal with the variables. You really would need to have your events triggered by the switches and variables they handle.
yeah i know that i need atime script, well i use CCTS (Complete Climate Time System)
but its impossible do that with events because very people must have an parralel process (much lag)
and lets say a person is going a way up to the next map its 15:13 at 15:14 hes gets to the end of the map and gets teleportet, now i go too to the next map he would just begin to walk to his next place
and with a script it would be calculated where he is at the time...
lets say if i teleport at 15:14 hes at the beginning of the map but if i teleport at 15:16 he must be allready on his way to the next place, but if i teleport at 15:20 hes allready at the next map lets say his house, you know what i mean ?!

i think its impossible to do that by eventing...
well if its possible with events maybe someone can make me lil demo lets say with 4 maps and 3 people ?!

hope you understand what i mean ^^
(my baaaaaaaaad english...)
I saw a script by near fantastica YEARS ago that did this..... It was riddled with bugs and I'm pretty sure it was very complicated to use. I had the demo, not sure if I still do. If I come across it again, I'll be sure to post it here.
ok i guess i must do this with events as good as i can...
solved !