
Full Version: NRGSS Module Function Library
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Script is the function library.
Not modify any methods. Add new usable methods.
Compatibility: Script works with all versions of RGSS and standard Ruby.
License: GPL
Version: 2.6 or more


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Nice work with this script.

@Edit: Updated!!!

PS. To make script better and compatible, when you need modify one of the library method, paste it and make new method and use it. It's for compatibility for other scripts.
Dude. Ya gotta put a bit more info in these things... like what it does or delivers to the user. Most people would just click this and ignore the thread if they don't know what it does.

Includes a registration method, in_range method, rounded range method, code text method and more.

You can hit 'edit' on the 1st post to add more. Winking
Thanks, DerVVulfman, for notice. I already give extended instructions what the method does.
For greens:
Boolean - true of false
Integer - Number
String - Text

The large update. I'm forget to updating step by step, that I give very large update.
Instruction included in script.
Version : 1.1 -> 2.4