
Full Version: L1Games's New vs Used Games Video
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Pages: 1 2
You could split 'em. Start from my post at the last page.
Winking Split and renamed.
Thanks DerVV. :)
I think it's like that: If I pay 70€ for a game, it is mine. I didn't buy just a damn license, I bought the game for my use. So I can do whatever I want with this copy, and I do. Today you pay the full price for about 10 hours of game content, in most cases it's even less. That's ridiculous. I remember the good times when you bought a game, there was a ending after 60 hours of gameplay. You didn't have to pay for the ending or quests which were content of the main story.

About the PS4-Download-Content-only-thingie: Sony doesn't realize, that it's a suicide mission. PSP Go? Fail. PS4? Sadly will fail as well.
Sony's mind: "Maybe the PSP Go was just an incident, let's put our whole effort in the PS4 with the same fucking mistake!!!111"
Is Sony just ignorant or are they dumb? Instead of listen to their customers, they're trying to bring life into a rotten piece of shit.

It's just my opinion.
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