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Save-Point - METHOD - get resouce from rgssad


Full Version: METHOD - get resouce from rgssad
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I need a Ruby method:

get_resource_from_rgssad(resource, archive, key), what's unpacks resource from RGSS to resource.tmp file, archive is the rgss archive and key is magickey.


If it's aviable can you create the ruby methods of:

encrypt_rgssad(tbl, rgssad, key)
decrypt_rgssad(rgssad, key, folder)?

I'll be fine.

I will use it to make new encryption standard to Z9 Project.
you can decrypt dargors ff6 sdk !
in it is a module which can decrypt encrypt rgssad archieves...
its possible but you should ask him for permission.
btw. you dont have that from me, i never decrypted his sdk [Image: laughingtongue.gif]
hope this helps a bit.
I'm making a tool using FREERGSS Engine.

I can decrypt all archives, but i need a ruby method to unpack_resource from RGSSAD, likes standard Rpg Maker XP does.
This is needed to make new encryption with modified algorithm.

Also use DRGSS by vgvgf if you want to decrypt files.
you missunderstood me ^^
in the ff6 sdk from dargor is THIS method ore some kind of it, it can decrypt and encrypt rgssad archieves !
or is that not what you want ?
Ok. Thanks, but is only 50 %
I get the method to encrypt/decrypt RGSS Archives.
It's the one.
But i need another method, to get !single! resource from RGSSAD, and save it to normal file.
ok im glad that you found what i meant ^^
maybe its not that one which you searching for but its a beginnig.
did you get it to work ? i tryed a bit with the method but didnt get it work at all but im no scripter so...