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Save-Point - Outfits Menu


Full Version: Outfits Menu
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Okay... some games, like the Ratchet & Clank franchise, allows you to change a character's outfit, or graphic in general. I would want to find a script like that in RPGXP... but I doubt I'll be able to find one at all. Happy with a sweat
interest registered. does this exist already?
My XP knowledge is sorta rusty but could you not use a Common Event attached to a piece of armour and have it change an Actor's graphic when they put it on?
Huh.... I never really thought of that. Worth a shot though.
(07-11-2012, 06:23 PM)Samven Wrote: [ -> ]My XP knowledge is sorta rusty but could you not use a Common Event attached to a piece of armour and have it change an Actor's graphic when they put it on?
that would be nuts though, having to make a charset for each possible combination
Scripts do exist. They're known as a paperdoll system (as in a paper 'doll' where you place paper 'clothing' overtop)... or known in RPGMaker XP as 'Visual Equipment: Here's a couple:

The first one is one of the first by Rataime. Fast when you have a few events, but lag does increase with more events. The second, labeled as by Dark Yen, may be known as one by Me™ ... same person. I use the 2nd one more. I edited it for personal use.

XP - Visual Equipment
by Rataime
Posted by DerVVulfman (Feb 25, 2008)

he very first known system of it's kind, this script allows you to visually change the appearance of your characters based on the equipment being worn. While the original version (available in this post) was not compatible with various caterpillar systems, this version is. Also, various bug fixes and tweaks have been implemented, including the ability to save and load your game (a big 'bug').

XP - Visual Equipment
by Dark-Yen (February 14th, 2007)

Today I strumbled over the internet looking fro some good Visual Equipment scripts, beacuse I was going to make an only one. I stumbled on more then one script, so I studied them all. The two best by my meanings where those from Rataime and the one from Geso Chiku. So, I started wrinting a new one, with features from both, and some from myself.

And for a battlesystem, this one was based on Me™'s version. It was an early job I did and kinda poorly adapted by my newer standards, but it lets equipment show on the battles in the default system.

XP - Brenda's Visual Battlers
by DerVVulfman (July 29, 2007)

This system is designed to allow you, the programmer, to have battlers be able to change their appearance based on the weapons or gear being worn.

Okay then. I'll use visual Equipment. It seems easier than having to make a new common events every time.