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The Sphere Grid. So that I can beat the people responsible for it to death with it.

Fire Emblem. Eliwood vs. Ephraim?
Ephraim for these reasons...

1. Size does matter...
2. Lance trumps sword, even legendary ones...
3. Two Words - Solar Brace

These n64 games were among the worst fighting games ever made, but if you had to choose between them... Dual Heroes or War Gods?
(07-30-2012, 03:31 AM)MetalRenard Wrote: [ -> ]Samven meant WHICH TYPE of boss theme: Latin choir or metal. ^^
okie then metal all the way, lol! Happy with a sweat
What if I've never heard of Dual Heroes or War Gods... Super Smash Bros?
I spose someone else can take a stab at that one.
Butter or margarine?

Edit: Scratch that, I think I remember War Gods now, so we'll go with Dual Heroes because I feel like being dangerous.
Millarso living on the edge! Hahaha
Butter, of course. Nothing beats a bit of toast, lightly buttered with a cup of Earl Grey. :3

Milkshake or hot chocolate?
Hot Chocolate, no question at all. Tastes better, looks better, is associated with better situations and sounds better too XD

Live Music or Playback with Performance?
Live music because being at a metal show is license to act like a complete asshole and get in fights for no reason because nobody cares and just wants to be rowdy.

Cologne/Perfume, or Au Natural? (deodorant optional)
My natural manly musk is all the scent I need.

Let's see who gets this one... Myria vs. Deathevan. Who's the more credible villain?
myra!!! :3

chicken or duck??? :3
Well that very much depends if we are talking about said fowl as a source of nourishment or as a pet...
Pet = duck (cuz they're cuter)
Food = chicken (cuz they're delicious)
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