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Save-Point - Skills that are stronger based on items


Full Version: Skills that are stronger based on items
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I'm looking for a script that lets you make skills stronger based on items in your inventory!

Say, you want an attack called Potion Blast! It gets stronger based on how many Potions you are carrying!
Maybe add (or subtract for healing) a set number from the Power based on how many of a particular (or several) item ID!
So, let's say that Potion Blast has a base power of 20. You want it to get a 1 point increase in power for each Potion in your inventory! So if you have 20 Potions, it's power is 40! 99 potions gets it up to 119! Maybe you could have a skill get weaker based on how many items of a certain type? Like, a skill that encourages you to carry few healing items!

I haven't really seen a script like this, I've seen part of a script that lets you make a skill stronger based on the total number of items in your inventory, but that's completely different! This is based on the quantity of one (or more) item(s)!

Any help would be appreciated.
That script you found could be easily edited into what you want. Could you please give us more info about it? The author? Where is it found?
Well, actually, I don't like that script much because it's an SDK script. I personally prefer not to use the SDK (little things about it just bug me) But I was highly considering using it, until I remembered it doesn't use items the way I want to.

It's Trickster's Bag of Skill Effects.

Also, the script needs to be able to work for multiple skills, and in different ways to. (I don't think I specified that)
Like skill 20 gets 5 extra power for each copy of item 11 in your inventory...
While skill 45 gets -10 power for each copy of item 140 in your inventory.