
Full Version: Epic Trans-forum Game Making Contest of Dooom!
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Cool pieces on youtube, MetalRenard.
Maybe I should have started a project to earn me a musical segment, but alas, it would be much too late now.
Why is it too late? :)
You have a whole week before you have to start. :)

Oh and thanks. :P
I would love to so badly, but I just don't know the little ins and outs to rpg maker and game development in general quite yet.
I am definitely a noob.
I would love to try some of these entries when they are released though.
Anyone wishing to participate only has 4 days to start. I hope you guys aren't backing out at the last moment.
Well, as far as I know, I am now on Team Sexy, I guess. But, I'm not really sure when we intend to get going full-steam.
i forwarded the theme to team sexy. i just want to register in public, that i think the theme is terrible. if anyone else can agree or disagree without spoiling it, please do.
You're the only one here who has started, and if you think it's bad that because you've refused to see its potential. :)
I'm kind of offended though, I mean I feel that's a bit uncalled for. You should have kept that for the PM.
not trying to be offensive/angry/inciting riots, but how do you do that with an rpg maker engine? or a 2d engine at all, for that matter? i can think of a few existing games that ran along those lines, but they were not well reviewed at all.... have any of the french teams gotten the guidelines yet? i just wanted any other teams who have started to be able to discuss it.
"they were not well reviewed at all"
Maybe there were just bad games? Besides, like I said in the PM, I myself can imagine at least 3 different games that would be cool. Just have fun with it rather than putting a barrier in your way. :)
Okay, guys. Just a little note.
If you guys in your teams wanna talk to each other without PMs, try making IRC chatrooms. ;) Go into ours and make a private room if ya need. Of course, there's always Skype n facebook n such.

Laughing You had to hear it from a guy with a dialup modem.
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