
Full Version: Epic Trans-forum Game Making Contest of Dooom!
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Sooooo... did everyone finish their games?
(08-31-2012, 04:11 PM)millarso Wrote: [ -> ]Sooooo... did everyone finish their games?
Team Awesome finishes at the right time every time. It's why our lovers are never dissatisfied.

... Wait, hold up, I was totally thinking about something else.
Missing one entry... :/
If we don't get a 3rd then I don't know what we'll do about it. I'll have to talk with a few people and I'll let you know.
(08-31-2012, 07:45 PM)MetalRenard Wrote: [ -> ]Missing one entry... :/
If we don't get a 3rd then I don't know what we'll do about it.
I can't help but read that in the voice of Sherlock Holmes due to your sig, for some reason.
(08-31-2012, 08:39 PM)millarso Wrote: [ -> ]I can't help but read that in the voice of Sherlock Holmes due to your sig, for some reason.
As the signature says, MWAHAHAHAHA.
Ok well only Team Awesome and Team Idity have given in their games, I'm going to assume none of the others are going to give any in from either forum.
I'll announce the results in a day or so.
And so it has come to pass that the winner of the Epic Trans-forum Game Making Contest of Dooom is...
With a grand total of 61 points out of 80...
[Image: Image-Flat-12.png]

It was a close one though! So congratulations to both teams on how they tackled the competition. There were only 2 points in it! So an honourable mention for Team Awesome for their participation. Both games will be posted here within the next 24 hours for all to play.

I would like to thank DerVVulfman for making the lovely award logos and for help organising the contest, special thanks to the other judge Kitu from RMD and of course all the participants whether they gave up before trying or not. ( :P <3 )

On a side note, both teams will be given a detailed review from both judges (myself and Kitu) so they can see where they got their points and what we both thought of their games. These are personal for the creators so don't hassle them for the review unless they want to make them public, please.
Since Metal wanted it made public, here we go. : 3

Not too disappointed with such a close call.
It was fun, I'm looking forward playing the winner game!
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