
Full Version: Help a little with the UMS of CCOA
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I'm using the UMS of CCOA
It's very nice, but the texts are visible in "word by word" style (the texts will run slowly)
And I want it become "write all words" style (not to wait the texts run, all texts of a box are written immediately)
I tried the code : $game_system.text_mode = WRITE_ALL
but it was useless
So please help me to solve it :(

I'm stuck at work, so I don't have RMXP with me (let alone her UMS which I use...)

Have you tried this???
\ws[i]      - change the write speed to i

I found part of an older v 1.2 help file for Ccoa's UMS, so the in-text command is probably still there. Without testing, I figure that \ws[1] would show the text fast while \ws[10] could show the text slowly. I doubt that \ws[0] would work, but don't quote me on that.

Then again... I did say I grabbed this from version 1.2 as well.

EDIT: Um, I found nothing wrong with the UMS command. How did you use the command because I got it to work.

@>Script:  $game_system.text_mode = WRITE_ALL
@>Text: This should show up in a flash.
@>Script:  $game_system.text_mode = ONE_LETTER_AT_A_TIME
@>Text: And now back to normal.
I'm using v1.1
Oh thanks you for your helping ;)

Shocked Version 1.1? Are you sure? She was up to version 1.80 (final/current version) a few years ago. I haven't seen version 1.1... ever.

Version 1.80 is available here. I'm hosting it since the hosting service where she kept her scripts went down a couple years ago.

Mind you, the syntax I used in that CODE block should work. Indifferent