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Save-Point - Help here!


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Hello people, I want to ask a very simple script that moves the screen xy coordinates of an event with ID: x.

For those who have difficulty to understand a simple request so I'll draw explain, for it is no doubt: Very cheery

<> Event:
<> Call script:
Move screen (ID: x 7)

Q-What happened?
R-Simple! The screen was for positions with Event ID = 7.
P-The screen will not come back to the character?
R-Vai yes, just change the ID of the command to 0 (zero), then the screen will return to the original xy coordinates hero as if nothing had happened!

Anything else you want to add is that if possible, when the screen transition is acontecento between events or hero, the other events on the map to stop performing their movements.
It's pretty simple. Please, so I'm counting on you! Winking
Let me just clarify. Your request is for a system that immediately centers the screen upon an event rather than on the player character? Technically, you could use $,Y) to shift the view of the current screen to a map position... er, you may want to freeze the player during this time do what you want. Then just use $$game_player.x, $game_player.y) to return focus back to the player.
That's about it! Just do not want the screen go to another part of the map, I want her to go to the coordinates x, y event (through variables, until I had to set the event). Got it?
I just made a very simple map event with this script call:
x = $[11].x
y = $[11].y
$, y)
id = $game_variables[3]
x = $[id].x
y = $[id].y
$, y)
that uses the value in Game Variable '3' to set which event the camera centers.

When the map event is triggered, this bit of code would look at map event #11 and get its X/Y coordinates. After that, it uses the $ command to move the camera viewpoint to Event #11, centering it. It will adjust the position for the map edges of course.

But if you move the 'player' into the area, it can take over the camera and the view will center on the player once again.

This, of course, changes the viewpoint/camera immediately.

If you are looking for a system to scroll the camera viewpoint from the player to an event, you should use the 'SCROLL MAP' map event (page 2, column one in map events). Afraid it works only in one direction at a time right now. Moving to an event by way of a scroll may be a bit ... difficult. The system adjusts position by tile position and diagonal movement for scrolling wasn't accounted for.

Or by your last statement: " Just do not want the screen go to another part of the map, I want her to go to the coordinates x, y event ", are you asking for the player to now teleport to where the event is?
x = $[11].x
y = $[11].y
$game_player.moveto(x, y)
That would move the player straight to that event.
DerVV, do you really want the poor RRG to place the main character, king of all heroes (bah!), right above the event? Isn't that a little bit masoquist? Hehehe...
Bah. It could be used for random Teleport pads. It is Star Trek's 46th anniversary today. Winking with a tongue sticking out