08-29-2012, 04:03 AM
Vampyr's SBABS DVV Addon #3:
No Miss Attacks
Version: 1.0
No Miss Attacks
Version: 1.0
This script allows the game designer to make minimum attack values for enemies so they will never miss, and have both weapons and skill effects that do the same. This means you could create a weapon that will always deliver 1000 points of damage, have a boss enemy do a bare minimum 1500 points of damage each strike or use a healing spell that restores a bare minimum of 1000 points of health
The script
Simple enough instructions are build into the script.
Specifically designed for RPGMaker VX and the Vampyr SBABS.
Terms and Conditions
Free for use, even in commercial games. However, due credit to both myself and Lysop of House Slashers is required.