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Save-Point - Mirror Effect - how to add the mirror effect on an event ?


Full Version: Mirror Effect - how to add the mirror effect on an event ?
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I'm using the Mirror effect script of Rataime - remixed by DervVulfman :
I know how to add effect on the Player, but how to add the mirror effect on an event ?
Please guide me, I read the comment in script, but it doesn't guide :(

Please, please help me >"<

There isn't any. He made no allowances in the script for any mirrored events other than the player. I believe it would be because he uses events to generate the mirror effect and having it affects events too would create backlash or recursive stack error that may cause drag on the system. Just a thought, but a calculated one.
I try to add the images of events in the Mirrors, and that's 90% success :D
Now it has a bug : if Player is far from the event, the image of event will not appear in Mirror
Here is my Demo :

Please help me to solve that bug :( to make 100% success
Thanks DervVulfman

here comes the grand marshall of the idiot parade-

why does this script cause a reflection on non-bush tagged grass?

Oh no - the bush is mirror

Slightly remixed even more.... if you remember me telling you that I did a little update a month or so ago.....

Oh, and the reflection effect in KasperKalamity's screencap above wasn't a mistake. Reflections offered events to be reflected whereby mirrors did not. But as I said, I did a slight remix last month. I found and did a little extra boost to mirrors.

Make a comment in your event and have the comment read: hero_m

That's it. Very simple.

Hey, be careful with these.... You use too many special effects and your game CAN be bogged down with lag. Winking