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UPDATE: 0.21

Now with native 1024x768 resolution... GUI will NOT be getting in the way now.
Hey, if you were worried about your hud, you could always temporarily change it's opacity if the player went below 700px in your screen. Just a thought.
yes that's true...

I like that idea, and might set it up so that ONLY say the skills and items on the hotbar are visible, and the rest of the statistics show when the mouse is hovering over the area.

Well, I started working on DaVinci sprite templates, in hopes of going ahead and introducing them into Roguehaven as a paperdolling method. However, I feel that will be a lengthy process, so for now, the NEW HERO will have some major adjustments, if not gone completely.

I'll be using preset characters, without paperdolling modes. You will just have to pretend that extra armor enchantment is making your character look that much better, lol

However, for Roguehaven II, I look forward to seeing if a paperdolling method comes standard with ReGal, and look forward to putting something together for that.

Basically... I'm ready to start making the GAME part of the game... lol
to Version 1.5

October 1st, 2014

I've translated the game entirely to RPG Maker XP, and will be using ONLY H-Mode7. After long (and I mean incredibly long deliberation) I feel that this is the only way I'll get my vision of this project off the ground for good. I've decided that it MUST be done this way.

While there may be moderation for MOUSIE controls at a later date, game will be keyboard controlled.

[Image: 6c3db07f690f2ba2c0c68e625cd96b5c.png]

I decided to go back to the drawing board, but am reasserting myself that I can make less do more. I have always been fascinated by MCG's H-Mode 7, and when he said it would be best only as an overland mapping system, I felt that it could be so much more. I mean, With the right amount of autotiles, child layers, and interaction, an OpenRPG could be made with just a little bit of texture work.

using some of the texturing block ideas that I initiated with an older project called Apotheosis, and borrowing on graphic assets I had purchased from Pioneer Valley Games, Arteria 3d, and Daz 3d, I felt that I could combine old AND new in a way that worked well.

What is currently planned is 10 characters heroes, through 4 different story arcs, and an open exploration, for close to 400 locations. Also planned is using an old template mapping idea like ZMUD style zoning, to allow for intricate re-use of map zones in the game, and allowing for a bigger game world to play in.

Also planned is a classic Front-Styled Battle System, re-envisioned for the three person party, with a vast array of monsters and even wildlife.

A message and quest system should allow for player interaction with most NPCs.

I have a theta-dependent Skybox for the horizon, and plan to utilize two panoramas, day and night, fading one into the other for more game immersion.

Finally, I've went ahead and started looking into a nice soundtrack from Arteria3d for audio immersion, as well as several game sound effects for battle animations, sword slashes, and ambient sounds.

It's always nice to see games that break out of the mold with RPG Maker. Good luck with this. :)

to Version 1.7

December 6, 2014
Okay, in talks with a few old-school game-designers from the day, I decided to jump backwards (yes, that's right, backwards), employing a few ideas that, while at the time seemed like they wouldn't work in the original engine, work incredibly now.

Roguehaven LIVES!

Here's how the final revision 0.3 stands... and While I thought that HMode would solve a lot of my issues, graphically it became a graphics hog. Back to square one...

Here's what I have however, and utilizing several key ideas involving 3d modeling and 2d spriting, I think I can create what I want...Created this with very little tileset.
Okay, finally got a big announcement...

The primary mapping of my first town/setting is DONE!!! While I still want to work on scripting and graphics of the game itself (GUI, windows), I want you to see what my mapping method came out looking like. Big thanks to the folks from GamaX and of course the HF crew from PioneerValley Games for their help, as well as 3d designer Ben Halkum for ideas.

[Image: Screenshots2_zpscd593c14.png]

[Image: Screenshots1_zps715de822.png]

[Image: screenshots3_zps04a57baa.png] \

This town, called Saraava, will be a woodland village to the south of the Saraava Wood, staging area for branching out to the world and to the city of Roguehaven in the north.

With a little tweaking, for elements that don't rely on the 32x32 tiling grid, I first created a panorama 'template' for woodlands that can be used over and over again, for most outdoor areas. I also have plenty of layer one ground elements that fade into the panorama layer seemlessless, including mountain areas, ledges and more. Third, I took several pictures of 3d models to get roofs corners and more of basic architecture, to model each house and building into the environment, with tons of rocks, plants, and outdoor props for use. For inside areas, I am still trying to decide if I want to go with 256 x 256 super blocks to build dungeons quickly, or try for a smaller gridpoint, for corners, hallways, rooms and more.

By tweaking the panorama so that it can be seemlessly tiled, I can have much larger maps than originally anticipated, while still preserving some of that rendered feel for each map.

Talk to ya later, go forth and GAME!

also, for note, I will be actively updating with more pictures and such on

to version 0.5

As I like both MCG's Iso for a few things for my game, and I also love Lycan ABS for others. I have decided to create TWO versions of the Roguehaven game...

"Heroes of Roguehaven" will continue to feature a 2.5D Traditional RPG View, while a side game...

"Roguehaven: Path of Exiles" will feature the MCG-Iso Engine. And Finally....

"Roguehaven: Into The Depths" will feature the FPLE Engine.

All three games will have the same mythos, and storyline style, but may feature different battle systems. This way, I can feel free to focus on one game or another, without going back and forth between my favorite editors.

Some screenshots!

[Image: jan_screenshot5_zps1f83d4b5.png]

[Image: jan_screenshot4_zpsd23c0490.png]

[Image: jan_screenshot1_zps1e76c274.png]

[Image: jan_screenshot3_zpsd7b14e43.png]

[Image: jan_screenshot2_zpsa2526143.png]
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