
Full Version: States : Spread
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This script causes certain states to be communicable. "What does that mean," you ask? Let's say the Cockatrice is a carrier of Bird Flu. Cockatrice attacks Aluxes, now Aluxes has Bird Flu state, now his friends are slowly starting to get it just by being in proximity of him.

  • Spread disease to friends and foes!
  • Symptoms might include dry mouth and constipation.
  • Not guaranteed to be covered by your insurance.
  • Not guaranteed to be curable by your doctor.

How to Use?

It's in the script. The example setup is...

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Should be compatible with most scripts, doesn't require SDK or MACL.

Author's Notes

Take two Asprin and call me in the morning!

Oh yeah, a big shot out to the homie Victor Sant for inspiring this script! He wrote it for VX Ace, so I decided to write it for all the O.G.'s rockin' the XP! Word to yo motha!

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