
Full Version: States : Toggle
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This script is for states that cancel themselves out when they are used on the same target twice. "I don't understand, what's the point of that," you ask? This video should give you an idea...

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  • Frog Attacks Aluxes -> Aluxes turns into a Frog
  • Frog Attacks Aluxes -> Aluxes turns back into himself
  • Frog Attacks Aluxes -> Aluxes turns into a Frog
  • Frog Attacks Aluxes -> Aluxes turns back into himself
  • Frog Attacks Aluxes -> Aluxes turns into a Frog
  • Frog has epic lulz

How to Use?

It's pretty simple, all you have to do is...

Toggle_States = [] #<--Put state ID's here


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Should be compatible with most scripts, doesn't require SDK or MACL.

Author's Notes

Oh yeah, a big shot out to the homie Victor Sant for inspiring this
script! He wrote it for VX Ace, so I decided to write it for all the
O.G.'s rockin' the XP! Word to yo motha!

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