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Save-Point - Arrow Icons Next to Choices?


Full Version: Arrow Icons Next to Choices?
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Does anybody have a script that replaces the "glow" under a choice in default RMXP and instead has an arrow graphic (lets say, arrow.png in my Pictures folder) to the left of the choice. I assume I can just avoid the glowing by getting rid of it in my windowskin, which I've already done, but I need an arrow next to my choices so I can still tell what I'm picking o.o

I have checked google and all I can find is a broken link.

Pia Carrot
You have a couple of choices.

Selwyn made the Cursor script back in 2006.

And Paradog made the Arrow-Type Selection Cursor and the follow-up addon, the Animated Cursor for the arrow cursor.

Don't forget, the Forum Script Listings is a categorized index of the scripts in the forum. Winking
Thanks a ton, I'll try to look a bit more thoroughly next time around, DeVVulfman,