
Full Version: Legacy's 1-Man Custom Menu System
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1-Man Custom Menu System
by Legacy
It's been awhile since I've released a script to the public, so here's my first public VX Ace script.
This script was designed to bring RPG Maker VX Ace a system that could be integrated with games that only have a single active party member at one time.

No Issues known currently, however it is unlikely to work with RPG Maker VX without some adjustment.

You can download the script via PasteBin

Take a look before you download.
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Additional Notes:
You are free to use this in commercial and non-commercial games, al I ask in return is to be credited. Thanks.

I hope you enjoy the system, please let me know of any bugs that occur, and if you have any additional features you would like to see within this system, let me know and I'll see what I can do for you. If you want it a little more personalized then PM me with what you want changed.

- Legacy
Oh my God, I'm digging this like a bawss. O_O This could be great for my little testrun Ace game. It just looks so clean and pwetty.
Thank you!

I look forward to seeing it in use! ^_^