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Save-Point - A little help.


Full Version: A little help.
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Hi people, I wonder if you can put some extra options in items.
You know when you open the menu items? I want to open two more extra options on items:

| Use |
| Combine |
potion x3

More or less there.
But on the option to combine items, I want to combine is only one of each item:

| Combine? |
| Yes |
Bread x1 + Meat x1

Bread + Meat = Meat Loaf.

Got it?
I hope you can help me.
Thank you for your attention.
Oh, sorry for my bad english.
The "Combine" part of what you want is probably too complex to be a sub-heading in the ITEM menu. That would be better suited as its own CRAFTING menu option. I have Miriam's HandiCrafts!. an extensively expanded and customaizable rewrite of the PrexCraft system by Prexus.

Discard? Been thinking about that a while.
Look, this is not quite what I asked, actually I already have a system very similar to this Very cheery . What I want is that the player may one iten with other units only and is not a kind of revenue necessary to create it. I want the player can uncover revenue as in the example I gave.

Ex: Let's say the player a bread mix and a meat by accident.
This mixture will leave a Meat Loaf (Sandwich) Very happy + Tongue sticking out .

That is, he did not need to have any recipe, just mix any items!
Got it? Indifferent
Well..... like this?


You'll need an array of 'COMBINE' items, similar in nature to a crafting list though not quite as detailed. Something like:
CRAFTING[8] = [1,2]
CRAFTING[9] = [1,4]
CRAFTING[10] = [1,5]
CRAFTING[11] = [1,7]
Where ITEMS 1 and 2 would be used to create item #8 when combined, items 1 and 4 creating item 9....

Probably want to do a 'check' through the entire CRAFTING array first to see if the item selected (like bread) is an item used to create a new object:
craftable_item = false
for i in CRAFTING.size
  craftable_item = true if CRAFTING[i].include(
Only if the craftable_item is turned on, should it even give you the 'Combine' option. Winking Sound about right?

Then, it breaks out a new routine with a second ITEM menu if the option is chosen. It is highly doubtful anyone would combine two of the same item, but you never know. Gotta put in a check for that. Two of the same potion could make Potion-Ex! Though two slices of bread would make.... 'Bread Sandwich'

You could use a crafting script for some mechanics., but a list of all available combinations is a must. Any one else interested?
This would maybe need a "you failed option" as well, meaning it would check if the two items combined result in something specific and if they do not return a single deifned item that is basically rubish. That's part the fun with experimenting without knowingt the recipe =) Or you could have a tag for itmes that could be used. (I'm just hinking of ways to prevent the moment where the maker forgot to think of a combination and the player mixes a potion with a stick and everything crashes XD)
So far I really like what you have here =D Somewhat reminds me at the cooking in Harvest Moon, but that could be simply because I've played it a lot recently XD
Either that, or make the second 'combinable' screen disable the 2nd item if it won't mix.
That's what I was talking about Laughing ! Thank you Very cheery ! Just one question:
Where do I put this new code? Gotta put him above the Main?
Or I have to put him into the Scene_Item?
If you have a demo facilitate all know, is my weak point scripts in rpg maker. Sarcasm + Confused
Actually, I do not have a script. This is all in the theoretical stage.

OFF TOPIC: Changed your avatar, eh?

In a nutshell, the moment you hit [ENTER] on the item, the system does that check I mentioned earlier to decide whether the first popup says [ USE DISCARD ] or [ USE DISCARD COMBINE ]. That can be made just by using the Window_Command code.

If you hit COMBINE, then it should bring up a new WINDOW_ITEMCOMBINE window (a new window class) that has its own routines and optionally 'disable' items that your items cannot combine. And when you do combine, you just need a popup saying what was generated.

Besides adding a new Window_ItemCombine class, you will need edits to the Scene_Item class to the update_target method so clicking on an item brings up the optional USE/DISCARD/COMBINE window, and the inclusion of a new update_combine_target method that does the combine/craft feature. There is that, and creating the instances of the new windows in the main method at the start.

Again... this is theoretical. I don't have a script. Heck, I'm poking in at work.
So someone can make this script? Confused Why I am complete idiot when it comes to scripts ...
Indifferent I am in desperate need of it!
If possible in a demo ... Laughing + Tongue sticking out

Hello? Can someone give a little help here? I'm in desperate need of it people!
How does an Item Combine Option sound?

While the idea of disposing of unwanted items sounds cool, I'd be afraid someone may throw away a KEY item that is necessary to finish the game.