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Save-Point - Separated Abilities in Battle


Full Version: Separated Abilities in Battle
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This is kind of an oddball request, but I couldn't find what I was looking for. You know how in games like Final Fantasy there are different options in battle for types of abilities, like Black Magic, White Magic, Bushido, etc?

Well, I am trying to add Magic, Prayer, Projectiles, An Ultimate ability option that depends on the weapon equipped, and a normal attack option, but I have no idea how to do this. If there is a script for this or a tutorial could someone link me to it? If not, how would I go to making separate ability options?

EDIT: Forgot to mention this is a Default Battle System using A sideview script. I also assume I can just use this for Special attacks dependent on weapon:
In RPG Maker XP, isn't there a way to set up what options are available in combat? That might be RM2003 though, sorry if I'm wrong.
You are looking for a skill grouping system:
| Attack    |
| Defend    |
| Skill     +-----------+
| Item      | Spiritual |
| Escape    | Necromancy|
+-----------| Shamanism |--------------
| ALUXES    +-----------+50 HP  120 MP
| BASIL                 749 HP   90 MP
My system doesn't look like this though...

I have one called Grouping and Skills which gives you the ability to separate Skills and Items into their own subcategories, and allow you to bring up an extra 'detail' screen for each item or skill giving you a bit more information than just it's name. But it may be a bit advanced or complicated.

However, you may wish to just use a KGC Skill grouping script. I cannot link directly to KGC scripts as thier terms indicate no direct linking to individual scripts It's in Japanese so I had a time translating it....
No, that's great. Thank you so much, I needed to separate some items as well.
Well, if you check my Grouping thread, you'll find some links at the bottom... these were the threads to the Details and Grouping threads I initially read and based my system upon. Winking Just sayin'.
Yeah, I have checked them out, I am porting my project right now :3
Thanks again.
Yay, DerVVulfman ftw.
There's also my Individual Battle Commands and many more if you search for the keyword "individual". :P