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Well...I try to be XD
If I actually am or not I can not say.
Mark Crilley? Does he have videos up on Youtube or anything? I've been looking for a good style to apprentice under, but I haven't made up my mind yet.
Also, I just meant what kind of pencil (graphite, charcoal, etc.), but I'm guessing just a regular pencil. Looks pretty good. You should try inking over it or scanning it onto a computer and cel-shading it. I wonder how it would turn out.
Oh yeah, it was just a random HB pencil that was laying around the place. On the other hand that's proper sketching paper that's REALLY nice to draw on. 130g if I remember correctly.
Mark Crilley has tons of videos for art, yeah.

Aaand I'm planning on getting a Wacom Bamboo graphics tablet so I'm not going to bother scanning that image. :)
If you're going to use a tablet (by the way: good choice on the type there), have yeou decided yout what graphic program you're going to use?
I'm going to just use Gimp for now.
That's what I would have suggested had you named anything else =D
Gimp is really all you need, 9 times out of 10 ^^
At least in my experience it is.
Photoshop is overrated once you get used to GIMP (imo), although I can't exactly speak for the newest versions of Photoshop. And a graphics tablet, eh? Good for you, I always thought that would be cool to have.
I might have to watch some of Mark's videos because your product seemed to turn out pretty good.
(02-15-2013, 08:46 PM)millarso Wrote: [ -> ]Photoshop is overrated once you get used to GIMP (imo), although I can't exactly speak for the newest versions of Photoshop. And a graphics tablet, eh? Good for you, I always thought that would be cool to have.
I might have to watch some of Mark's videos because your product seemed to turn out pretty good.
I agree, GIMP has never really failed me. The learning curve isnt that steep/
I think it's a little tougher for those who haven't dabbled too deeply in graphics software, but not enough to discredit it. It comes pretty smoothly once you dig in a little bit
I've been using Gimp for editing and artistic effects for a few years already so I'm familiar with it. :)
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