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Save-Point - Problems with Rataime's Visual scripts


Full Version: Problems with Rataime's Visual scripts
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Rataime has some scripts about visual (reflections, shadows...etc... ) and they were remixed by DervVulfMan :D
But they have problem about Animations on the Map
For example : if I show an Animation on player or an event on the Map, and the Animation won't be shown if the player / or the event are on a place far the pool, or far the torch.etc....
So... please fix this problem :(

Regarding 'Reflection Effect', it was Rataime's intent to have the reflection only show if you were right on the edge of the water. That's not a bug or anything. That's how it is supposed to be, otherwise you could run into a very weird visual glitch.

However... regarding shadows generated by 'Sprite Shadow', note that you have a config section with this:
SHADOW_DISTANCE             = 350     # Maximum range in pixels
Increase that value and you can be further away. But it only works with Sprite Shadow and not Sprite Sun.

*slightly more augmented versions available in the Rataime demo (works with the Lycan ABS too).
Okay, so... how can I show the Animations if I'm far the pool (reflections)


Are you talking about an animation like the '001 - Special Move' or '015 - HP Recovery 1' animations that are also used for battle animations? If so.... meep!

The sprite animations he created are just that: "sprites' Battle animations such as the ones you describe only affect the actual events (the player... or a map event itself) and cannot be applied to anything else. As Rataime's effects don't create new events, no battle animation effect will be shown. There's no way to apply them.
Ohh nooooo..... is that impossible :((


You see, those battle animation effects target an 'event' like the player or whatnot and applies a series of sprite effects to them. But Rataime's mirror effects and reflections aren't events but copies of the event's sprite graphics and spin around. As they aren't sprites themselves, there is nothing for the animations to target.

Sorry, dude. STILL.. if he did make them as events, it could cause more slowdown of your game, so it's for the best.