
Full Version: How do i make a trap?
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How do i make a trap,can anyone help cause i was thinking of making
an obstacle course in both RMXP and RMVX. Say for example, you walk
on spikes and your graphic changes all red to tell you that you got hit
outside a battle.Cry its hard to explain.......
all i got is a picture from the attempt i've done for RMVX
[Image: TrapProblemRMVX.jpg]
Om i might be able to help (maybe) but i need to know what system you are using , Rmxp or rmvx ?
Im using Rmvx
It's rmvx.
You want to make it so the character takes damage if they walk while the spikes are up, but not take damage while the spikes are down, right?

You can do it through a very simple event that uses a self-switch :)
:O any idea how i can make the event commands? :o