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Save-Point - 2 requests for some Add-ons RMXP


Full Version: 2 requests for some Add-ons RMXP
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OK, I have 2 requests and I lay my hope on you ^^ please help me :

1. Please help me a scripts to make the Kamikaze skill (like FF8) : Kamikaze is the skill that after done casting it, the caster will die :D

2. Do you know the Frozen status and Heat status in FF9 ? OK, if you get the Frozen status, you'll die with any physical attack from enemies (although your HP is full). And here is the Demo for the Frozen Status :

And my request is the Heat status. If you get Heat status, you'll die when you do any actions (except the action "Defend").

OKay, please... Help me to make them Very happy + Tongue sticking out I'm using the Tankentai XP battle system (Atoa)

You better tell people what battle system is in use in your project, DC, so they focus on that one if deemed necessary.
Oh yeah, I'm using the battle Tankentai XP :D

Please... somebody helps me... :(
