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Save-Point - Changes in menus DerVVulfman / MogHunter


Full Version: Changes in menus DerVVulfman / MogHunter
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I was interested by the scripts DerVVulfman (, who review scripts menu MogHunter. But I intend that my game save automatically (although not yet know how). So I need to remove the "Save" command from MOG - Scene Menu Itigo V1.5, and also the "Number of times saved." the MOG - End Scene Sakura V2.0.

If possible, I also want to remove the "Location" from MOG - Scene Menu Itigo V1.5, for the sake of roleplay.

Thank you in advance, especially when DerVVulfman and MogHunter, who are always helping me with these scripts.
Try this for the menu !
If I have some time later I will check for your other request !
Replace this
# ** Scene_Menu
#  This class performs menu screen processing.

class Scene_Menu
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    s1 = ""
    s2 = ""
    s3 = ""
    s4 = ""
    s5 = ""
    @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5])
    @command_window.index = @menu_index
    if $game_party.actors.size == 0

And this

  # * Frame Update (when command window is active)
  def update_command
    case @command_window.index
    when 0  
      @mnsel.x = 0
      @mnsel.y = 110
    when 1
      @mnsel.x = 25
      @mnsel.y = 155
    when 2
      @mnsel.x = 40
      @mnsel.y = 197
    when 3
      @mnsel.x = 45
      @mnsel.y = 242
    when 4
      @mnsel.x = 25
      @mnsel.y = 285
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene =
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      if $game_party.actors.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
        $scene =
      when 1
        $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false = true
        @status_window.index = 0
      when 2
        $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false = true
        @status_window.index = 0
      when 3
        $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) = false = true
        @status_window.index = 0
      when 4
        $scene =

Edit by DerVV: Forgot the code bbcode. Winking
I get SyntaxError on line 597, which is an 'end'. I think this is because all the code is left aligned. I imagine this makes the script does not read the 'end' adequate, but I do not know give proper spacing = \
Could you please use the code box? Maybe solve.
Thanks anyway.
hum.. ! I will test it when I will be in home !
Thank you both!
In Scene I lack remove Menu function Location, and Scene End function that shows the number of Saves,

(Note: I come from a large community Maker in Brazil, and here we usually acknowledge the help of members increasing their points in 'Reputation.' There is a similar system here? Strange I feel unable to reciprocate in any way)
The [Image: postbit_thx.gif] Thanks button.
I supposed. But how many digits did not see next to your name, I thought this button could be for something else. Anyway, thanks!
In the begin of menu script you have this !
MAIN_MAPNAME = true # If true, shows the map name
and replace for this
MAIN_MAPNAME = false # If true, shows the map name
and the map name doesn't show in menu

for the end scene Sakura in the begin you have this
# Position
(or nil to turn off)

ENC_POS             = [  0,  0]

      SAVE_POS            = [ 70, 50]

      LOAD_POS            = [140,100]

ACTOR_POS           =
just erase the position and he doesn't show
Thank you!
I'm a little embarrassed, because all this was clearly written on the DEMO ... In my defense, I know Mog long, and these scripts already knew him, and the version I knew, I did not find these options (even though in my language).

Anyway, thank you. It helped a lot.
No problem ^^ ! Yes the mog scripts are very useful but very poorly structured ! The modification made by DerVVuflman are greatly helpful !
I prefer the moonpearl ACMS for the custom menu but it's not compatible with my battle system -_- !