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Save-Point - Menu Edits (Removing options)


Full Version: Menu Edits (Removing options)
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I've tried my best to remove options from the main menu, but I can't seem to get it right. I simply want to remove the options, Skills, Equipment, Status, Save and Load, so that all that is left it Items, and Exit.

Another minor but unwanted issue that I see is that weapons seem to show up in the inventory screen, which I don't want, is there any way to change all of this? Thanks!
Sure is! By main menu I am assuming you mean the scene that opens when you press the cancel button. In Scene_Menu, look for
@command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6])
You want to delete s2, s3, s4, and s5 from that list.

To get rid of weapons and armor, you just need to comment out a block of code. Look at Window_Item, there is a comment
# Also add weapons and items if outside of battle
Comment out the code below that.
The code supplied by MechanicalPen does remove the options from the menu itself, but it does not finish the job. Other code in the update and/or update_command methods need to be addressed. The system will look at the @command_window value which would normally range from the values of 0 to 5 (item through to end menu). As you eliminate the menu options as MechanicalPen suggested, this changes the values to a range of 0 to 1.

You will need to go into the branches in the update and update_command methods and remove stuff that's like "if @index == 1.... if @index==2....", because these would likely handle the skill, status and save options. The one that would handle '@index == 5' would be your end game option, and you'd need to change that to '@index == 1'.

This is prettymuch pseudo code. I don't have RPGMaker XP in front of me. Winking