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Save-Point - RTAB for Fantasy Sango CBS


Full Version: RTAB for Fantasy Sango CBS
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A few years ago this smexy battle system came out for RMXP called the Fantasy Sango battle system. It was written by a vietnamese guy who found some resources on a chinese site. Unfortunately, a lot of stuff happened and some files in the demo were corrupted, namely images. I've replaced some of these with temporary character sheets simply so it works for now.

Anyway, an RTAB addon was made by someone by the name of Brainstorm. Unfortunately it seems some database error ruined the script:

The link to the demo is long-gone, and the script seems to have been cut off. If anyone has any scripting ability and/or experience with RTAB, I would really appreciate a fix for this!

The original CBS can be found here, but if you want my demo I can send you a link:

Also out of curiosity, would Charlie Fleed's Individual Commands script work with this? I'm afraid to mess with the system after trying to get it to work.

Thank you,
Pia Carrot
An RTAB (Real Time Active Battle) system is DAMN hard to make, and I only know of two true RTAB systems out there. One was made by Cogwheel and the second was later done by Trickster. Both required severe rewrites of the default battle system which made them virtually incompatible with other battlesystem scripts except those designed for them.

I am familiar with such systems (um... obviously ^_^ ), but not familiar enough to craft one straight away. The basic premise is to let all actors and enemies operate independent and without an actual turn limitation. This means that while you are deciding on what action to take with your 'Actor Command Window' (the FIGHT/ITEM/SKILL/DEFEND window), the enemy could actively attack you in real time. Given the default battlesystem revolves around a turn-based system, this would be an extremely difficult rewrite.

The fact that someone named Brainstorm made a third is impressive. I wish I had the system. Perhaps it lay elsewhere?

And I cannot say about 'Charlie Fleed's Individual Commands', though I believe that it wouldn't work with either Cogwheel's or Trickster's RTAB systems.
That is a real shame for such a beautiful script to not be usable, ah well, maybe Brainstorm or someone that has this lying in the depths of their PC will post it one day.