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Save-Point - item script


Full Version: item script
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first off,

this game

holy shit, right?

now the request: can someone find a script that does something like the inventory screen in that game? i'd love to be able to have the space to draw actual items that you can look at, instead of a 32x32 tile.

the other thing i haven't been able to find is an archive system script for logging key items. if anyone finds one, can you please deposit it here?
First off.... what RPGMaker? :WINK: You didn't tag it.

And regarding the key inventory thing, there is something known as an item grouping system that lets you subdivide your typical item menu into sub-categories... Clothing, armor, weapons, fruits and veggies, QUEST ITEMS. I'm having a little lag with my PC (I use dialup ya know), so I haven't seen your video.
xp,fixed that. the game is all drawn with pen and paper, the item script is what i'm looking for, but the game is just COOL.

as for the archive system, i couldn't find a picture of it. in Siren, you can find key items which are then logged in the archive. they have a short description in the info line, but when you select them, it gives you more info, or lets you read it if it's a book or magazine. the default inventory system just doesn't work for my game anymore, i have way to much going on , and i think it would make more sense from an organizational standpoint, to use an archive system to at least separate the important items out, so you have a better idea of what you actually have.
Cheapo ASCII art
| Wesley Snipe's handy little throwing weapon...                   |
| Gen Items  | Keys  | Books | Quest Items | Weapons | Armor | All |
| FREDDY KRUGER'S GLOVE      X 1  |                                |
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|+-------------------------------+|     TWIN SPINNING BLADE        |
||BLADE'S GLAIVE             X 1 ||     THINGIE.                   |
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Divide the menu in half, the left half having your list while the right shows the pic. Well, it may not be as hard as you think. There is a value in the Item Window's initialization method (I think) for the number of columns to draw. And when it comes to the draw items and update_rect_cursor, there are a few other things to tweak so it doesn't draw on every other space.

After that, you will wanna have a system that reads and draws based on your item's ID. Think like this. If the item's ID is 4, then you generate a filename of 'Item_4" which is in the Graphics\Pictures\Item_4.png file. So when you refresh the screen, it grabs the currently highlighted item and draws the appropriate pic on the right (erasing the area clean first).

You can see what I mean from sub-categories. You go into the Item menu and have a list of categories from which to choose. You could have some items classified as Key/Quest items. Items could be both Quest and Weapon... it's just if you want an item to be in one or more categories.
do you have a link? i'm kind of retarded at picturing what scripts do from descriptions
PMing the link for one of 'em. My Grouping and Details script may be a bit complex. *shrugs*