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Save-Point - exists? Panorama scroll lock for xp


Full Version: exists? Panorama scroll lock for xp
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(07-11-2013, 05:45 PM)Pherione Wrote: [ -> ]It's not a script. As I said you start by placing the panorama over the map by changing the value in line 30 of Spriteset_Map (one of the default scripts in rmxp) to 0
Then you open your normal map editor and draw the shape of the collisions using a tile that the player collides with. (I'm using a black tile).
The game will treat the player as colliding with the black tile but show the panorama because it's drawn over the black tiles.

But doing that thing wouldn't delimitate your movement to simple quadricular tiles again? I mean, the whole point of parallaxing is avoiding that anoying grid, either for map drawing and character movement.
Is it possible to make another panorama recognized in the same layer as the character in black and white and make a script that discriminates both colors and 'simply' block black pixels?
I don't get what you mean by parallaxing. Parallaxing has nothing to do with grid or the lack of them; it is just a technique to scroll different bits at different speeds so the picture looks as if it has depth.
Maybe I missunderstood what the term meant and the whole function of it, I will try what you both have done and see if it suits for me =)
(07-11-2013, 10:35 PM)MechanicalPen Wrote: [ -> ]I don't get what you mean by parallaxing. Parallaxing has nothing to do with grid or the lack of them; it is just a technique to scroll different bits at different speeds so the picture looks as if it has depth.
Actually parallaxing for me meant the texture painting technique for 3D arts where textures blend seamlessly >.>
I encountered the term all over the net for doing what I'm doing atm, namely using photoshop to draw your map and placing it in a panorama.

@ Iqus
The collisions will indeed be limited to square tiles but then again, you could create a 'collision tileset' in your game with different shapes and use those in your mapping.
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