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Save-Point - Small changes in the script ...


Full Version: Small changes in the script ...
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He's trying to make a customizable popup that draws over specified events or over the player.

Well, the color of the message is kinda defined in the module mada block, a block of values that controls the look of the little message pop. The color defined by the MEE_Cor value is used in the following bit of code contained in the RPG::Sprite class (that's a class for stuff like damage pops and flashing events):
evento ? bitmap.font.color.set(Mada::MEE_Cor[0], Mada::MEE_Cor[1] , Mada::MEE_Cor[2]) : bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)

Now we can do a little cheating and modify it a little. I'm being lazy, so bare with me...

Insert this below your script:
# ** Game_System
#  This class handles data surrounding the system. Backround music, etc.
#  is managed here as well. Refer to "$game_system" for the instance of
#  this class.

class Game_System
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :mee_r                    # custom message_color (red)
  attr_accessor :mee_g                    # custom message_color (green)
  attr_accessor :mee_b                    # custom message_color (blue)
  # * Alias Listings
  alias mee_init initialize
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    @mee_r = Mada::MEE_Cor[0]
    @mee_g = Mada::MEE_Cor[1]
    @mee_b = Mada::MEE_Cor[2]

And then change that odd line in RPG::Sprite to this:
evento ? bitmap.font.color.set($game_system.mee_r, $game_system.mee_g , $game_system.mee_b): bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)

With this, your system will default to the whatever color you have in the module mada block.... but you can make a script call to change your color like this:
to show a bright red color with the RGB values.
That is much more complicated than the color code method. Which should totally work I don't understand it. I can't even get the posted script to fire when I call $game_player.mes = "test"
Well, in that case, you would not have a script that displays a message hopping from one event? Confused
Example: I would use the command "show message" and put "\evID[x]" to indicate that the mesagem will skip the event X, the rest of the other commands have the same RTP Sarcasm ...
Wait... to see the message pop up over one event... and then bob or float over to another event??? Nope... that sounds a bit awkward. Still... how's the color fix?
No guys, I just want to skip a mensgem event equal to that script I showed!
I don't know what you expect with the second script. It is a custom movement script which adds more movement options for characters such as 'MOVE TO EVENT(id)', 'MOVE TO MAP(x/y)', MOVE FROM EVENT(id)' and 'MOVE FROM MAP(x/y)'.

Had to translate the comments just now.... actually looked interesting.
(08-11-2013, 04:30 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]I don't know what you expect with the second script. It is a custom movement script which adds more movement options for characters such as 'MOVE TO EVENT(id)', 'MOVE TO MAP(x/y)', MOVE FROM EVENT(id)' and 'MOVE FROM MAP(x/y)'.
Wanted a function to do an event to stare at each other, but only if it is possible.
Hrm... Well, I mentioned that the other script had commands that could work out 'Move to Event' and 'Move to Map Position'... I don't see it being THAT much different to create a 'Turn to Event' or 'Turn to Map Position' (and similarly 'Turn from Event' and etc.).

It just took some time to format/clean up the 2nd script to make it legible. It all got mangled in the post. Care to repost the 2nd script? Re-edit the 1st post?
Oh, I see, you want a "turn towards event" move option.
(08-11-2013, 10:49 PM)MechanicalPen Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, I see, you want a "turn towards event" move option.

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