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Save-Point - Request for "Kamikaze Skill"


Full Version: Request for "Kamikaze Skill"
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Pages: 1 2
That is not a crash that is a freeze. I will take a look anyways...

It doesn't freeze when I test it. The enemies do not play the proper animation, but are still counted as dead by the game. I really don't feel like debugging 4000 lines of code to figure out why however.

If your game is behaving differently than you might have a script conflict, or something.
why wouldnt you do this with a common event? a script seems like a lot more work
There IS a common event... just a common event making a simple script call. A VERY simple script call in fact. It is just puzzling what is causing the conflict that would cause this freeze.
(08-11-2013, 10:47 PM)MechanicalPen Wrote: [ -> ]That is not a crash that is a freeze. I will take a look anyways...

It doesn't freeze when I test it. The enemies do not play the proper animation, but are still counted as dead by the game. I really don't feel like debugging 4000 lines of code to figure out why however.

If your game is behaving differently than you might have a script conflict, or something.
Please... Sad
(08-12-2013, 03:01 AM)KasperKalamity Wrote: [ -> ]why wouldnt you do this with a common event? a script seems like a lot more work

Because I don't know to do that Sarcasm + Confused hix...
(08-12-2013, 03:36 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]There IS a common event... just a common event making a simple script call. A VERY simple script call in fact. It is just puzzling what is causing the conflict that would cause this freeze.
Ohhh, if Common Event can do that, please show me the way :D
(Important : it's always freeze screen when the enemies use Kamikaze... And the thing I need is Kamikaze of enemies)

No, the common event you're using is the one adding the whole active_battler.hp=0 stuff. Winking
Haizzz... I did that, but when enemies use Kamikaze (with this syntax), the Game is freeze...
And now what can I do :(
Please... help me to fix that

(08-12-2013, 03:36 AM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]There IS a common event... just a common event making a simple script call. A VERY simple script call in fact. It is just puzzling what is causing the conflict that would cause this freeze.
i made a "devour" skill using a common event that had dinosaurs cannibalizing each other. this wouldn't be too different
Guy guys, the problem is not the skill, it's his battle system.
So... probably not that error can't be fixed :((

Support and repairs for Tankentai had been stopped by the original author years ago. That was why Atoa/Victor Sant no longer maintained the thread.
Pages: 1 2