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Save-Point - Battle Mode


Full Version: Battle Mode
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I wanted to create like a battle-mode (A feature available after finishing the game) where you can battle certain groups of enemies.. I want it where you call a script by an event and then this kind of window shows up..

[Image: 2pyrr08.png]

Battle Team: The Name of the group of enemies you'll face
Completion: Whether you defeated them or not
No. Times beaten: Self explanatory

The box underneath the selection would be the description of that certain group of enemies..

You'll notice that there is an empty slot like the third one from the bottom of the list.. Well, I wanted it like where you can unlock them by meeting certain conditions..

I want the orange background to be change-able as well as the window-skins and the fonts..

Those of you who played Naruto Path of Ninja 2 before would know what I mean..

[video=Naruto Path of the Ninja 2 Kumite Mode][/video]
(08-16-2013, 12:00 AM)MechanicalPen Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe something like this?
I'm trying the script out but I don't know how to make it appear during the game.. It doesn't say anything

edit: doesn't matter, I find out... But I'm still requesting as its not exactly what I want.. Thanks anyway..
wow... i have a battle arena script that was done exclusively for me by SephirothSpawn himself as a christmas gift way back in the day of It doesn't have the menu thing, but i can try to whip one up (this script is pre-sdk sephirothspawn stuff)
(09-04-2013, 05:15 PM)Alistor Wrote: [ -> ]wow... i have a battle arena script that was done exclusively for me by SephirothSpawn himself as a christmas gift way back in the day of It doesn't have the menu thing, but i can try to whip one up (this script is pre-sdk sephirothspawn stuff)
oh please! Can I use the script?! I've been looking all over the internet and can't find any proper one..