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Save-Point - Update New Request- Just an easy one.


Full Version: Update New Request- Just an easy one.
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Request 1: I want to find a script about Real Battle System. (Like Zelda battle system). I think everyone knows what I mean. (Solved)

Request 2: Like the name of the topic. I request some scripts that can your battler graphics by wearing different Headgear. (Solved)

Request 3: A new Ultimate Skill Tree. (Unsolved)
I decided to close this Request because I find the way to do the new Skill Tree. I call it: Item Skill Tree. (Use Items to unlock Skills. Pretty easy for new users)

Request 4: Do we have any script upgrade weapon? We can do it in Event option but it's a lot easier if we have some scripts.

Example: Up grade Bronze Sword+5 or higher. (Of course there is a percent of up grade weapon successful. More higher and the weapon will easily break).

Request 5: I just need a storage script. I think we have it somehow... Well, I don't remember much. Sorry...

Request 6: I just need an easy script that we can change the speed of text in game. Well, if anyone knows the most useful script about message text then let me know. I'm too busy with my Skill Tree system. Thank you very much.
Request 2: There used to be a script for that (I believe Sandgolem made one but all his scripts got annihilated from existence), your last resort is to do event.
First, you need different battlers for each kind of armor.
Let's say it's two types, ribbon and cap.
Create a common event, triggered by a switch that is always on. In this common event, create the following:
Let's say the actor you are talking about is named joe,

@>conditional branch: joe is wearing cap
Change actor graphics: Joe (cap)
@>conditional branch: joe is wearing a ribbon
Change actor graphics: Joe (ribbon)

You're using an ABS system. All the battlers are really 'characterset graphics' on the field map and not even in the battlescreen. And what you're looking for is a script that allows you to apply equipment graphically onto your character on-screen.

You're looking for a paperdoll / visual equipment script. We have three in the forum. I recommend the one by Dark-Yen ( aka Me™ ) though Rataime's is good too.

the Forum Script Listings -- a 'stickied' list of our scripts Wrote:XP - Visual Equipment
by Rataime
Posted by DerVVulfman (Feb 25, 2008)

he very first known system of it's kind, this script allows you to visually change the appearance of your characters based on the equipment being worn. While the original version (available in this post) was not compatible with various caterpillar systems, this version is. Also, various bug fixes and tweaks have been implemented, including the ability to save and load your game (a big 'bug').

XP - Visual Equip
by Geso Chisku (February 14, 2006)

Shows the player equipment on the map. Shows NPC equipment on the map events. Compatible with Caterpillar and SBABS. Shows the equipment in windows.

XP - Visual Equipment
by Dark-Yen (February 14th, 2007)

Today I strumbled over the internet looking fro some good Visual Equipment scripts, beacuse I was going to make an only one. I stumbled on more then one script, so I studied them all. The two best by my meanings where those from Rataime and the one from Geso Chiku. So, I started wrinting a new one, with features from both, and some from myself.

Thank you very much, everyone. I accept your kindness for answering my Request.

Thank you DerVVulfman. Your scripts helps me very much. But I want some scripts that can change battler graphics in battle. To make that easier, I use the original Battle system in RPGXP. Of course, I have to prepare the battler graphics. I need that script to do my big project so...
Well Milonar, you expressed an interest in a "Real Battle System. (Like Zelda battle system)." Zarox gave you two ABS systems (akin to Zelda). As the Zelda-style battlesystems occur on the 'map' and not in a battlewindow like the default battlesystem, they use the standard charactersets and not battlers. That's why I gave you links to the Visual Equipment scripts. They can change the graphics for the charset characters.

But if you are using 'battlers' for systems such as the default battlesystem, RTAB, Trickster's ATB, ParaDog's CBS and the like, hehe... the Forum Script Listings has another to grab:

the Forum Script Listings -- a 'stickied' list of our scripts Wrote:XP - Brenda's Visual Battlers
by DerVVulfman (July 29, 2007)

This system is designed to allow you, the programmer, to have battlers be able to change their appearance based on the weapons or gear being worn.

I'm sorry that I haven't said very clear. I found Real Time Battle System for my friends' Project.

I have lots of ideas about scripting but I can't write them. I'm studying them right now but it's very bad. I guess I will make this topic to be my Scripts Request. If I have some idea, I will update the topic.

Thank you very much, everyone.
Valdred Wrote:

Please read my Request again. Thank you.
That Skill Tree is not good enough yet. I would like to combine that Skill Tree with Skill Leveling Up (Increase DMG) and some Passsive Skill.