
Full Version: New Battle System!
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Hello guys , I brought you here to give your feedback about this new battle system that I created especially for my game . Does not decide the name right so I ask you to help me choose one of these :
DBS ( Depart Battle System ) , ATBS ( Action Tactical Battle System ) , GBS ( Group Battle System ) . If you have a name out there can talk too .
About the system :
Well , the system has a bit of each battle system that you know , done in an attempt to please all tastes . It has features :
- ABS : You can move and do any other action you want, just, can not .
( How so ? There are things that will limit you as the other caracteríscas other battle systems ) .
- ATB : Remember the time we saw bars in Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasys ? Well, we have bars here too : : .
( Here you also have to wait , but you do not need to wait : : , was curious ... Continue reading ? )
- TBS : Like tactical games ? Here you will find traces of it too.
- Valkyrie Battle System : Like Valkyrie Profile? Remember the moments that your entire team hits the monster
at the same time? Since it happens here too .

And as if that were not enough , you can also :
By traps ;
Move a friend of the group ;
! Need to devise certain strategies ( A flying enemy If you want to hit him , wait for him to land or ...
Jump behind him !) ;
Use Limits Breakers ( written right? ) With key sequence.

Have pictures ?
Do not be swayed by it !

Before you start talking , I'm warning you may have a few minor bugs ( " slow moving " was the most talked about my friend Mistyrol ) , however, will not find them if you only use normal attacks . Another thing is that some huds are missing things , nothing to prevent the gameplay , ah, also may not still traps for TT : . It can be confusing at first but as will playing will adapt quickly ( I hope (º . º ) " )

The rest 're worth !


VitorJ : For the script HUD Hp and Mp .
Madajuv : By the Pathfinder system.

Tips :
That may have difficulties with some system functions as the group attack .
This system takes into account the very strategies created by each of you .
A group attack depends on several important factors :
1) If two or more group members are close ;
2) If there is a monster in common close to the combatants .
3 ) Each combatant has a " power" to carry out the attack group .
Anyway try this strategy :
[Image: 992268_432698996853112_1877283668_s.jpg?...d88b71dd34]

Good demo , and comment on the system saw !
from what I can tell from the english, it seems rather interesting, but there are missing details that were interrupted...

"- ABS : You can move and do any other action you want, just, can not ."

I can't do what?
Damn translator, always giving errors in translation ... -_-
Anyway my friend, can comment on the system?
This thread has been moved from the Event Systems Database as it is an encrypted demo, its event system currently unusable by the members. The Materials Database board is for usable resources or requests therein.

It is an interesting mix of tactical and ABS in its own way. Did this with events, eh? I have seen an ABS system done entirely with events, amazingly fluid. Adding tactical features to limit the player's movement and options is ingenious. It needs some work as I (controlling Red), was temporarily frozen for some turns after I killed one enemy while another beat up Alex/Aluxes.
Thanks DerVV, I see what I can change to improve the system!
I apologize to the forum for posting in the wrong place.
Please give me your advice on what I should improve!
I, playing the RED character, was stuck after defeating one of your enemies. I was along the northern edge facing down while Alex severely beaten up on the north-east corner. And though I killed the monster to my south, it took some time for me to be able to move. All I got when I tried were chime sound effects.

I think I got it figured out.......

It took some time to get me to select a target as you have it set. That froze me in place after setting which direction I was attacking. After attacking and killing the monster, I discovered I had to end the attack. I didn't realize I needed to do that.

Perhaps a feature that turns off the attack system automatically once the player's target is killed?

I don't know if there is an easier method of setting your target, or if it could be made easier. I also wonder if an additional display could be used to show if the player has already been set to a target or not.
Well, when your EP reaches 0, you can not do anything, and if you stay shaking keys attack or move, he will no longer carry! All this is a condition.
I'll make some changes here and can say that these new changes you will find features another battle system ^ _ ^, stay tuned!