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Save-Point - Voice Toggle


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Wasn't sure whether to put this in Code help or Script Request, as I have a basic idea of how this would work.

Basically, I'd like a toggle (switch or not, doesn't really matter) to play an SE that would be called with a script command. If the Toggle is off, it will ignore the script call and the event will continue. But, if the toggle is on, it will look for the .ogg or .mp3 from the designated folder (for example: "SE/Voices/Aluxes/example.mp3") that the command calls for. This would effectively be cleaner than switches galore and "Play SE" events everywhere.

I've also heard that it's easier to use the ME folder over the SE folder for voice acting because of the overlapping. Is this true?

Thanks for looking,
Pia Carrot
Simply done with a common event running in a parallel process... One variable is normally zero, and if it's more than zero. Then...

Conditional Branch: Variable[var]:SoundMaker = 1
Play SE: "dialog1"
End Branch

Conditional Branch: Variable[var]:SoundMaker = 2
Play SE: "dialog2"
End Branch

Conditional Branch: Variable[var]:SoundMaker = 3
Play SE: "dialog3"
End Branch

now instead of Play SEsall over the maps... you can have one common event based on a variable

I'm sure you can work that with a script call too...

if $game_variables[var] = whatever number
play stuff

But it's up to you.
Yeah, while that works I would like to organize my sound effects into folders, so I think I would need scripts to do it.
I really don't see the need for a script. As my esteemed colleague showed, the use of a game switch could suffice. My own version of an example would be as such:

@>Conditional Branch:  Switch [0007:Dialog_SE] == ON
  @>Play SE: "Dialog_Aluxes_TotallySux"
:  Branch End
@>Text:  Aluxes:  This totally sucks.
@>Conditional Branch:  Switch [0007:Dialog_SE] == ON
  @>Play SE: "Dialog_Hilda_WhatElse"
:  Branch End
@>Text:  Hilda:  So what else is new?

I figure you just want one switch to turn all dialog on or off. My example just uses the 7th game switch (which I named Dialog_SE). Very simple and useful since you want it in an event system. If you were to use an RGSS switch, you would need to convert it into a switch or apply it to a conditional branch anyway.

Oh, and you asked about SE vs ME? I would recommend using the SE folder.

You can create new 'graphic' folders if you know how to manipulate the Cache class (easy as pie ^_^ ). But you cannot make new audio folders. Go with naming conventions. IF you want to have 'em all grouped together, just give them a similar sounding start name. This too would be in my example as you see the filenames all start with 'Dialog_' Winking
You can only play one ME at a time, so yes, if you don't want overlap you should use MEs. I agree about not wanting to conditional branch every time someone needs to say something, It would make your events messy to read. As per the voice system, I could write something like what you are asking easily enough, once I find some freetime.

Could you explain more about how you want the folder system to work? Do you want to be able to specify an actor, and have the system look up the proper voice file? ( Aluxes/example.mp3 vs Hilda/example.mp3 ) Or are you okay manually navigating the script to the file.

How about some kind of timing system (is this even possible in RPG Maker I am not sure)? Something to schedule voiceovers and prevent speech either too soon or too late might be an interesting script to write.
Yeah, I wanted a folder for each character, but from what DerVVulfman said that isn't possible it seems. Anything that could possibly make it more organized would be great, a simple script command would be much nicer than events (although both work, events are just interpreted scripts). And Yes, overlapping is a big no-no, so MEs would most likely work better (methinks you can use Stop SE to workaround this in events, though).
You can't use $game_system.me_play( ) to play stuff from outside folders, but you can give Audio.me_play( ) any filepath you want. I am not completely sure this works with archiving, so if that is a feature you need we might have to try something else.

Do you want something you can tag in "Show Text" boxes? It makes sense to me if voices correspond to the player's reading speed, so if the mash A they can skip voiceovers too.
Yeah, that was the main idea. Many RPGs allow you to mash through, while others make you wait until the person is done talking. I'd like this to be optional to the player.
It seems I completely forgot about this! If you still would like something to help manage voice files, I'd be happy to write you something once my class is over (one more week!)