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Save-Point - Battle Messages vs. Normal Messageboxes


Full Version: Battle Messages vs. Normal Messageboxes
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I've got a bunch of dialogues in my game's introductory battle, but the message box is far too big for a sideview battle. However, making the messagebox smaller does so globally, and causes issues when I have a choice (Yes, No) presented. Is there any way to separate the two so that the battle messages are 3 lines, or 120 pixels tall and the rest of the game will be normal?

I can provide images for further clarification.
Forgive me if I don't get the syntax exactly right, I am not on my RPG Maker computer. But you could do something like this in the messagebox initalization

if $scene = $Scene_Battle then this.height = 80 else this.height = 120 end

I think Scene_Item does something similar being in the battle scene or the menu scene. Look at how it is done.
There is probably a scripting way to do this, but as that is not my world...
Personally, I would just use a Show-Image command and have an image display in form of a (smaller) textbox; showing what I'd want to explain and then set it up so that it would be removed when the player presses the button that usually moves on textboxes. In combination with a blanc, hidden textbox.
(03-31-2014, 12:51 AM)MechanicalPen Wrote: [ -> ]Forgive me if I don't get the syntax exactly right, I am not on my RPG Maker computer. But you could do something like this in the messagebox initalization

if $scene = $Scene_Battle then this.height = 80 else this.height = 120 end

I think Scene_Item does something similar being in the battle scene or the menu scene. Look at how it is done.
I took a look at Window_Item and found the code. Edited it a bit and slapped it right in, works like a charm. Thanks a ton :p
I like little questions like this because it helps me keep the code fresh in my mind. Which is useful when one takes an extended break that one keeps meaning to get back from. Tongue sticking out