
Full Version: DoubleX RMVXA Intercept Magic
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DoubleX RMVXA Intercept Magic
Version: v1.03b

Allows users to set states that intercepts magic under some conditions(similar to FF6's Runic command)


Use of notetags(requires knowledge of notetag usage) to set specific states to let battlers intercept skills





Open the script editor and put this script into an open slot between Materials and Main. Save to take effect.




Scripts aliasing or rewriting method:
- self.load_database under module DataManager
- add_state under class Game_Battler
- use_item under class Scene_Battle

may have compatibility issues with this script
Place this script above those aliasing any of these methods if possible

Credits and Thanks


Author's Notes


Terms and Conditions

None other than not claiming this script as created by anyone except DoubleX or his alias
So... this is an enhanced version of the classic 'Blue Mage' skill learning system from Final Fantasy, letting players learn the skill attacking them except you can absorb the MP too.
(04-05-2014, 06:47 PM)DerVVulfman Wrote: [ -> ]So... this is an enhanced version of the classic 'Blue Mage' skill learning system from Final Fantasy, letting players learn the skill attacking them except you can absorb the MP too.
Yeah, I was playing FFV and FFVI while writing this script, and it's like combining Blue Magic in FFV with Celes' Runic in FFVI with some customizable details added Grinning

v1.03a(GMT 1000 7-12-2014):
- Added <ally intercept>, <enemy intercept> and <intercept chance>notetags
v1.02b(GMT 1000 27-7-2014):
- Fixed crashes with Intercept_MP_Limit or Intercept_TP_Limit being true
v1.02a(GMT 0700 21-6-2014):
- Added <hit intercept mp> and <hit intercept tp> notetags
v1.01a(GMT 0200 8-4-2014):
- Allows users to set intercept animations
v1.00b(GMT 0900 7-4-2014):
- Fixed intercept magic not working on allies' skills bug
v1.03b(GMT 1400 7-7-2015):
- Improved this script's efficiency and readability