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Save-Point - Auto-tile Idea and request


Full Version: Auto-tile Idea and request
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Okay, so as we know, RMVXAce has a lot more autotiles than RMXP. (7 vs... A TON)

So here's my idea... setting up a tileset, using terrain tags, so that if a terrain tag for a specific tileID (Lets say Tile number 3, in a 0-8, 9-16 and so on reference) is 8 for instance, it would reference an external XP Autotile tileset (In this case, that autotile would be called AutotileExpansion3), and configure how that autotile places itself on the map. so that when it came to play your map, your autotiles automatically placed corners, edges, and flat areas, depending on its relationship to the other tiles in the map. Now, I know this gets complicated as there are approximately 47-48 tiles that can be generated by this autotiling system.

Would anyone like to script this? I feel this would add a TON more Autotiles to RMXP, as each 32x32 tile could effectively be its own autotile.
I may have something at home (currently stuck at work). Expands autotiles, but at the cost of needing an external .txt file map to plot.
Knowing that JayRay must have hit this thread after my last post, let me bump this with a link to SephirothSpawn's Extra Autotiles from 2007.