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Save-Point - Base RPG module for XP,VX,VXA


Full Version: Base RPG module for XP,VX,VXA
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Hello. Have anyone base RPG module for Rpg Maker XP,VX and VXAce ?
I had XP and VX versions sometime ago, but I lost it somewhere on my hard drive :/
Define 'base RPG module'?

(04-12-2014, 07:44 PM)Narzew Wrote: [ -> ]Hello. Have anyone base RPG module for Rpg Maker XP,VX and VXAce ?
I had XP and VX versions sometime ago, but I lost it somewhere on my hard drive :/
You can get most of the one from rmxp from the rxdataed project on google code
Base RPG module is base structure of data stored in Rpg Maker. For example Actor struct, Enemy struct, Tilesets struct etc.
I have found only RMXP struct in rxdataed. I still need RMVX and RMVXA ones.
(04-13-2014, 03:17 PM)Narzew Wrote: [ -> ]Base RPG module is base structure of data stored in Rpg Maker. For example Actor struct, Enemy struct, Tilesets struct etc.
I have found only RMXP struct in rxdataed. I still need RMVX and RMVXA ones.
Don't know if they are written somewhere nice like XP was, but the rpg:: objects are defined in the associated help doc for each maker.